Pain Happens ~ Suffering Is Optional

May 9, 2012by Eva Starr0

Welcome What You Resist, Let Go of What You Cling To:


The aforementioned title simply put would solve all our problems if we could just adhere to that very simple rule. Instead we fight change at every corner, we stay STUCK in our old beliefs and we CLING to what is screaming to be free in our lives even if it hasn’t worked for over a decade or so.


It seems we “think” we would be happier IF:

  • I found my soul mate
  • lost 10 pounds
  • found the perfect job
  • had the house, the boat, the car

When in reality, what has happened is America is suffering from the Lost Art of Appreciation!

Yea, you heard me…I’ve talked about Gratitude journaling for eons…and I don’t mean just saying it in your head. How many of you, actually take the time EACH & EVERY DAY to write down in a journal with PEN (not pencil) what you are grateful for on a daily basis?


How many of you are grateful for this column, for your eyes, ears, arms & legs, (the things we take for granted). That you have a home, regardless of if it needs fixing, if you have to pay the taxes, if the in-laws live with you. DO YOU HAVE A HOME??? I haven’t owned a home since 1991 when I gave everything up in the divorce, and literally walked away with the clothes on my back.


Something happened to me over these last few weeks. They found black mold in the pipes in the drywall in my kitchen and it spread to the apartment downstairs and my entire existence as a Chef has been challenged. Not only that but I’ve had to take everything out of all my drawers, cupboards, walls, etc. in my kitchen. Plastic TentHave you ever seen my kitchen??? Not to mention they’ve quarantined the place with plastic and the only people allowed inside the zipper are the people wearing these white plastic coats, oxygen masks, and bright blue rubber gloves. Yet, I’m still living amongst the dishes all over my floor, no stove, and my refrigerator is in the living room.


I wasn’t even going to write Soul Food but I feel compelled to write this column each week because IF I reach ONE soul it’s worth it to me!

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