Whatever is Missing in Your Life, Give it Away:
It’s pretty basic 101 Metaphysics:
- if you want more LOVE in your life, give love away all day and all night long. Now, I’m not suggesting that you pick up every stray cat or person roaming the streets after dark but give love freely and unconditionally, and remember WHO you give your love to isn’t necessarily WHO is going to return it, but love WILL come into your life.
- if you need more TIME in your life, then give your time away, volunteer, offer to babysit, give your time away every chance you get to something that you’re passionate about, and watch how much time will come back to you to enjoy the things in life your really want to do
- we all need FRIENDS, however if you’re living in a new place, and all your friends still live in the old place, be a friend to the people who cross your path, and remember your friends who are sill with you from days gone by. If you want to meet more friends, BE A FRIEND!
- MONEY, money, money (a line from the movie Cabaret)…yes, this is the scariest one for most folks, but this one rings true like none other. Yep, that’s right if you want more cash flow, that’s exactly what you need to do is “keep it flowing.” What goes out, must come in, the more you give away, the more you receive back in your world, ten-fold. Don’t believe me, just ask Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, or Andrew Carnegie,
One of history’s richest men, Andrew Carnegie, the namesake of Carnegie Hall, died nearly a century ago and is still the biggest philanthropist of all time. After amassing one of the largest fortunes ever seen through the burgeoning U.S. Steel industry ($298.3 billion in 2007 dollars according for Forbes), the Scottish immigrant spent the last twenty years of his life giving away over 90% of his wealth. Carnegie donated liberally to education, establishing universities, schools, and nearly 3000 free public libraries across the English-speaking world. The steel tycoon also supported the construction of civic institutions, 7000 church organs, and, perhaps his most famous monument, Carnegie Hall.
Now you might say well, they are all billionaires! Yes, this is true, but I remember reading a story about Buckminster Fuller, that now matter how hard he tried, the more he gave away the more money he received. He tried several times to give it all away, but it kept coming back to him.
As for those of you who’ve heard me speak on this subject, you know that I have several stories in my own life, where I was down to the bare minimum but continued to tithe and money always appeared out of nowhere. Every time in my life when my finances seemed out of balance, it’s usually when I’ve been behind in my tithing. Once I get back on that horse and ride the winds of faith the financial winds start a blowin’ my way again.
Be sure to do your New Moon Abundance check Saturday, April 18th, 2:57pm EDT/11:57am PDT. Also, the new moon is in Aries so this is the perfect time for fresh starts, new beginnings, etc. Do your new moon wish list, and light your candles. The color for Aries is RED!
Here’s your spring horoscopes, Star Scopes.
As always, thank you for your love, generosity & support.
Eva Starr