For those of you who got to see the last Lunar Eclipse it was quite an awesome show of the Universe. Unfortunately the upcoming Solar Eclipse will only be visible in the south Indian Ocean, Australia, and the Antarctic, sorry next time.
The good news is you can still utilize the energies of this Taurean New Moon. Venus co-rules the signs of Taurus and Libra, the 2nd and 7th houses of the Zodiac respectively. With the crazy planetary squares of Uranus, Pluto Jupiter and the Sun over the last month, this is a much needed grounding and getting back to our roots, literally.
In fact I would highly suggest if you don’t have enough dirt or trees in your backyard get yourself to a park somewhere and lay down on Mother Earth. Feel her groundedness, allow her to nurture your Soul back to healing from the unrest of the last few weeks.
As with all change and drama, there is always good, lessons to be learned, (if you’re open, willing and were paying attention)! These last few weeks should’ve opened up your eyes and ears to some “aha” moments and some earth shattering revelations deep down in the dark side of your shadow self.
Maybe some of you didn’t go that deep, don’t fret it, you’ll get another chance, trust me. From the blog I posted last week, I sure had some eye-openers, and they keep coming…but unfortunately not fast enough for me, (I have Aries Rising, I can’t help it, I want it yesterday).
Take time these next few days and before the upcoming Full Moon (in two weeks) to “BE” and less “DO”. Rest, nurture, get close to the earth, feel her heartbeat, take up drumming, cook with sacred herbs, and take full baths with Epsom salts and aromatherapy oils. Let yourself indulge in the Tauruean pleasures of the senses.
Taurus rules the second house of assets, and also love, self-love, self-worth. Yea, it’s time to dig out those mirrors. My former Louise Hay students know full well what I’m talking about. I will post an oldie but goodie video here in case your memory has bouts of amnesia.
Get your financial assets in order, nothing to cause you concern, just make sure your checkbook is balanced and you’re aware of what you need to keep you feeling safe and secure. Taureans are all about being practical when it comes to their money. The New Moon also gives you a chance to write that New Moon Abundance Check, and do your New Moon Wish List. The time of the New Moon is tonight (April 28th) PDT 11:14pm PDT and 2:14am EDT.

The “Flavors of the Month” are changing: For all the Aries, Taurus and Gemini beings of

light out there, if you’re interested in having your Solar Return done, (a personalized in-depth chart detailing your areas of focus for your birthday year covering about fifteen months) shoot me an email and I can give you a discounted price. I have found over the decades that I’ve been studying Astrology the Solar Return is by far the most accurate and meaningful chart.
Thank You for Your Continued Generosity and Support,