The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is upon us happening Thursday October 23rd, at 0 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio at 5:57pm EDT and 2:57pm PDT respectively. The effects of this mysterious event can last up to six months after the actual day of the eclipse.
We will be dealing with matters involving power, control, intimacy and other people’s money/assets. The lesson to learn here is “digging” deep into our own psyche + the mysteries that surround us. It’s time to question what is going on at a deeper level and expand what’s out there or “inside” of us that still needs to be discovered.
It’s time to come out of our comfort zones and NOT be OK with the everyday mundane existence that we’ve let ourselves become accustomed to. Take a long deep (are you getting the picture “deep”, “digging”) look at our relationships with others and the ways we manipulate by using power plays. In addition, you’re not off the hook either, take a look in the mirror, this is your opportunity to really get to know you, and how you operate when it comes to matters of the heart.
This is a time to bring the garbage/baggage up from the depths of our souls and take a long hard look at where we’ve been and how we’ve been communicating with others. Now is your chance to clean the slate and start anew. Venus is also moving into Scorpio, conjuncting the eclipse along with support from Mars and Neptune. This puts the spotlight on our value systems and challenges us to see what’s working and what’s not. Ask yourself the question am I within alignment with all parts of my being and living with INTEGRITY?
For those with some astrological knowledge take a look at your chart and see where the new moon/solar eclipse falls within your chart. If you’re not sure how to do that, call your favorite astrologer (wink, wink) for more info. Here’s a link (once you find out where in your chart the eclipse is being activated) to help you with the interpretation.
Also, let’s remember to do our new moon wish list and our new moon abundance check.
See the post (below) from last week to get in on the Halloween Solar Return specials.
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