Today (Sunday) as I’m writing this, is the longest night of the year…the days will start getting longer from hence forward. What does this New Moon Winter Solstice mean to you? The first item on the agenda is the New Moon in Capricorn, coinciding with the Winter Solstice, we are buried deep in the darkness of our souls, in hibernation mode waiting for the Spring. Take time to discover the secrets that lie dormant within the abyss of the dark night of the soul.
The Goat, (Capricorn) ruled by the planet Saturn (sign of the Lesson Maker), exudes discipline, and commitment. This is a good time to ask yourself are you devoted to your goals, or are you self-sabotaging yourself allowing instant gratification to take center stage over the ‘long haul’? Are you aimlessly floating through time stopping at every Candy Land on the board game of life or are you steadfast in meeting your goals with the tunnel vision of a freight train?
Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn) is finally leaving Scorpio (after 2.5 years) and making it’s entry into Sagittarius, for the next 2.5 years. We are feeling this energy approaching but are not quit able to put our finger on it. We sense the FIRE energy of Sagittarius, and are excited to burn our way through the previous dark shadows of the water underworld. The question we must ask ourselves is this: Do we have the FAITH to believe in what is yet to be seen?
To add to the soup is Uranus, the Tornado of the Zodiac has now come out of it’s Retrograde and is heading full speed ahead clashing with Pluto for it’s space in the Celestial Heavens. As Uranus is gaining momentum it reminds me of the movie Network “WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!”
Look into your own psyche and listen to what your inner warrior is screaming out to you in the deafening silence. This is a time to COMMIT, DEVOTE, and stay true to your path, or there is no mastery, just bubbles in the illusory clouds in the sky.
As we prepare for the new year, I’d like to offer you my Numerology special, (8-10 page report specific for your Personal Numerology vibration for 2015). Just click on the Angel Wings above & donate, send me your birth date (time & city not needed) & I’ll send you your personalized Numerology report.
My eternal gratitude for all your continued support & generosity.