Some of you may remember the expression “Make Hay While the Sun Shines”…well for those of you who do that’s what this New Moon in Virgo is about. It’s about getting it done now, September is full of nice planetary energies that don’t come this way that often…and since they’ve decided to show up and make it party I suggest you do the same!
Put on your best blue jeans or that halter dress of yours and head out, I don’t care if it’s just to the Farmer’s Market (which would be a Virgo thing) but go somewhere Dammit If you stay indoors this month, come October you’ll regret it. September has the GREEN lights for just about everything…LOVE, SHOPPING, CAREER, & SOCIAL ACTIVITIES!
Mercury turns Retrograde in October (I knew that would get your moving) and we all know only too well what that means. Heed the above advice and take advantage of the most recent New Moon (7:37am EDT today 9-5-13) & get the Hell out of Dodge sometime this month. For all you Cancers (YAHOO!) Jupiter is in our sign until July of 2014, don’t miss it because you decided to take a nap for the year.
Most of you know when Jupiter is in your sign, it’s like Christmas every day for a year, (well almost). Jupiter travels through the Zodiac hitting all the signs for about a year in chronological order and the last time this happened for Cancers was TWELVE years ago. Need I say more?
For the Virgo out there, this is YOUR new moon…so go out and dance naked under the Starrs, swim the Pacific ocean or Lake Erie (depending where you are) and enjoy yourself. That garden will still be there when you get back.
If you didn’t catch my links for the Virgo new moon from my earlier email, here it is:
I’m on my lunch break now and need to head back to work!
Have fun while the Virgo Moon shines!