The interesting thing about this new moon is it is at 29 degrees and 59.9 minutes Aquarius. What does that mean to you? It’s one-tenth of a minute away from being a zero degree Pisces new moon, the energy between the two are like day and night.
With the Aquarian new moon we want to think “outside of the box”, look to the future with brand new vision, detachment, and a positive sense of humanitarianism. This new moon is about letting go of the past, making a clean break away from those destructive behaviors and patterns that lead us down the road to nowhere fast! Since today is Fat Tuesday it seems fitting to let it all hang out for one last hurrah, (at least on my end, I’ve had a rough day), knowing tomorrow we’re turning over a new leaf.
Since this new moon is at the tail end of Aquarius it will affect the latter degrees (26-30) of planets in Taurus, Scorpio, Leo & Aquarius in your chart. However, because it’ so close to zero Pisces it will also affect the early degrees (0-4) of planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The time for the Ne Moon is Wednesday 6:47pm EST/3:47pm PST.
We are moving out of the Pisecan Age into the Age of Aquarius, pivoting between two worlds, moving into the year of the Awakened Wealth Consciousness. Here’s the link for the Law of Abundance Check, this is a new site I’ve found for you, (same principle) but it tells the famous Jim Carey story as he relates it to Oprah. BTW readers I hope you are bookmarking my blogs and keeping this pertinent information that I send out to you each week.
I have a few more things to share with you today (If you were a student of mine you should remember this). The first is an imaginary check writing process you will maintain throughout the year, adding deposits daily & spending the money. The next one is the
, writing out what you will handle and what the “Universe” will handle. Both of these are from Abraham (Ester Hicks) and Extremely Powerful.
Please note that anything in my blogs in an orangish color are always links. I’m hoping you know this because I am always sending out a wealth of information. (Maybe I can change it to a blue, it was set up with orange, if I can figure out how). Feel free to hit the share buttons at the bottom for Facebook. (I’m still working on the others). Also the name of my blog has changed to make it easier to remember to blog.evastarr.com
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