March Starr Scopes/New Moon-Solar Eclipse

March 7, 2016by Eva Starr0
“People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don’t deserve them.” ~ Paolo Coelho
“People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don’t deserve them.” ~ Paolo Coelho

Wrap up old business and projects because on Tuesday, March 8th at 5:54pm PST/8:54pm EST we have a New Moon at 19 degrees Pisces opposing Jupiter in Virgo, making aspects with Mercury & Chiron. Think back to September 2015, whatever was going on then is coming back around for you to take a second look and make some major decisions. Chiron the “wounded healer” is demanding we take a look into our childhood and resolve, face, & deal with those demons and hurts that are shaping our lives today. In a nutshell, there’s no more running!

This new moon is also a SUPERMOON and a solar eclipse, and unless you live in Indonesia or Honolulu you won’t be able to see it. Hopefully, you WILL be able to see what needs to change in your life, shine the light on it, and come out from under that bushel basket you’ve been hiding under.

This is the time to go after those dreams, dream big, follow your heart and for God’s sake quit listening to the dream crushers and the naysayers in your life! With the Piscean energy we’re being asked to dive deeper, the deeper the better, in the the still waters of our Souls and do some soul searching to uncover those buried treasures that have been patiently waiting to be discovered! Like I said earlier, no more playing small, God gave you gifts, show the world what you’re about and who you are! Make them sit up and notice!

“Yet, suddenly the choice to not pursue that which calls to us the most is more

terrifying than taking that giant leap into the unknown.” (elephant journal)

product_thumbnail.php_RDuring this next lunar cycle we are going to become crystal clear about what we want, who we want (the relationships in our lives), and what we’re going to do about it. We’re not going to take it anymore! (I just had a visual from the movie Network; people throwing their TVs out the windows). Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself will become your theme song. (buy the book ).

It’s time to sort through the stuff (people, things, beliefs) that you’ve been holding on to and get rid of “what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming.” If you choose to dig a little deeper to understanding past life patterns that are holding you back take a look into your Karma Insight birth report,

just $8 (in honor of March 8th new moon).

Double your insight and take a look at your personal Numerology report, for 2016 (based on your birth chart),

just $8 (again in honor of the new moon).

Both specials end at MIDNIGHT on Tuesday, March 8th!

To wrap it up, get out those mirrors: WARNING: This isn’t going to be pretty:

  • take a look at your life and yourself, (take off those rose-colored glasses)
  • dispose of anything that isn’t about love, (quit settling)
  • go for the BIG dreams, (quit playing small)
  • take those RISKS (get the hell out of your comfort zone) unless of course you like dying a slow death
  • knock F.E.A.R. to the ground (eat it for breakfast)

I didn’t say it would be easy, what I did say is “IT’S NOT AN OPTION”! Feel free to email me if you need an ear or a push in the right direction.

Here’s your March Starr Scopes, I haven’t figured out how to add them to my website since I switched hosting providers).


ARIES: You’ve been waiting for it, you’ve earned it, and now it’s here! VICTORY! Spring is here, the Sun moves into the Ram’s sign, good news, public recognition, and all that shines is yours for the taking. Bask in the glory, just make sure in your hurry you take time to smell the roses.!

TAURUS: Archangel Raziel is making a visit to the Bull Pen this month, and the Bull is ready. You have the “magic touch” this month Bull. Take full advantage of all the resources and tools in your magic toolbox. Manifestation is yours!

GEMINI: Twins you’ve come up against your double. You can’t figure out if you’re Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde this month. Quit pretending the elephant in the living room doesn’t exist. It’s time to make a decision, no matter “which one of you” makes it. Pick one!

CANCER: It’s time to quit hiding in that shell of yours Crab, come out and shine like the star that you are. Start making positive optimistic long-term plans. You ARE on the right-path! Don’t listen to the dream-crushers! Let the moonlight shine on you…

LEO: Everything hot, shining, and confident is entering the Lioness Jungle. Let that roar be heard, loud and clear! It’s your month to let your presence be known; stretch yourself, and assert that magnificent creative being that you are for the whole world to see.

VIRGO: Get that gratitude journal out and start making a list of all the things you’re grateful for. This month Virgo, you have plenty to be grateful for. Happy times are here, you can smell the financial security. Find magic everywhere you turn, your wish is my command!

LIBRA: Relationships have always been important to you and this month they soar to a new level. Trust your intuition, use your charm, and mesmerize. It’s time to nurture those relationships, however, remember balance as you care for yourself and others.

SCORPIO: Everything in your reality right now is an illusion. You’re the only one who can uncover the mask, take off the glasses of deception, and go deep into your inner self to find the reality of truth. Action is needed and you have nothing to fear, except fear itself.

SAGITTARIUS: The Centaur enjoys his time in the forest, amongst the birds, the trees and God’s many creatures. This month the stars are asking you to spend some “quiet time” alone, enjoying life’s many blessings and contemplating your success.

CAPRICORN: The Goat has a lot on his plate this month. Meditation is called for, take some time off away from everything, and go deep into your soul. Take time away to rest, relax, and allow some space before making any major decisions.

AQUARIUS: Are you bored? Open you eyes and your soul to the endless possibilities in your world right now. If you can dream it, you can do it. If there was ever a creator or inventor of the Zodiac, it is YOU; so tap into that well of creativity and create something already!

PISCES: You’ve got the Sun, Mercury and Venus swimming around in that pond of yours. It’s time to step it up and move into an ocean of opportunities that are just waiting for the Fish to grab hold of. Have confidence in the Fish’s innate intuitive abilities, and celebrate the marvelous manifestations.

I Love You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for your continued support,





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