Letting Go

August 23, 2013by Eva Starr0

This morning during my morning meditation I had some work things on my mind…

The Stars Hang in the Sky Not Worrying About a Thing…Let Go! ~ Eva Starr

(I keep telling myself to take the focus off the problem)…well lo and behold…I must’ve needed an extra push or someone or something to tell me the same thing (I have a bad habit of not always listening to myself and needed confirmation from something else…(OK I’m working on that).

So here it is my Fairie Card: Letting Go:

You aren’t receiving positive results because you’re struggling too much to solve the problem. By letting go, you’re opening yourself up to a miraculous resolution.

Problems are caused by human thinking and action. That’s why problems aren’t solved by additional human thinking and action. When we think hard or struggle to resolve a crisis, things can actually get worse!

You are being asked to stop the human struggle. Stop thinking about the problem, since a focus on negativity can manifest even more negativity. Say aloud or silently, “I am willing to surrender this situation to my Creator right now.” By affirming this statement, heaven is able to intervene on your behalf. You will instantly feel relief, and will be grateful to see how easily and naturally the situation resolves itself.

Credit given to Doreen Virtue (for her Fairie card deck)

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