Keys to Manifesting

October 16, 2014by Eva Starr0

positive thinkingI feel it’s time to revisit this topic, manifestation. When The Secret came out back in 2006 there was a whirlwind of hoopla over it, some positive some not so positive. One thing I feel The Secret understated, was negative thoughts and beliefs need to be weeded out just like in a garden before you plant the “new” seeds, so to speak.

Don’t get me wrong, it is better to speak words of positivity then walk around all day complaining. Picture your mind, body and soul like a garden. You with me so far, it’s good to get visual, which is one of the themes of today’s blog. You’re ready to plant pumpkin seeds let’s say, (after all Halloween is approaching), but your garden area is full of rocks, thorns, weeds, and debris of stuff you can’t even make out. How well do you think those pumpkin seeds are going to do if you just plant them over all that garbage? Not very well.

You need to weed out the gardens of your minds, rotatil, plant and then fertilize,  in other words it’s a process. Let’s take advantage of this Mercury Retrograde energy, (which is still going strong, trust me on this one) and purge. We can definitely purge our homes, our garages, our basements (for my mid-west readers), and let’s not forget the closets and refrigerators.

While you’re doing this I suggest repeating “I am cleaning out the closets of my mind, releasing what no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming.” Take a look at some of your beliefs about prosperity, relationships, work and sift through the ones that no longer serve you. This will take some time if you’re new to this type of exercise. For my former students, look at this like a refresher course.

Now that we’ve got some areas of our lives cleaned out, and purged, let’s prepare the space for new things coming in. Watch how you speak on a daily basis, if you’re having a bad day, (we’re all guilty of this, myself included), do you adamantly embed that thought pattern into your subconscious like a steam roller, until it’s buried so deep in your psyche it’ll take a team of archeologists to dig it out?

I literally want all of you to practice with me for the next TEN days, (anyone can do something for ten days) watching your thoughts, and flipping them into something that you WANT to happen.  If you’re feeling tired instead of saying I’m so tired, try imagining yourself like a ball of red light, representing energy, and breathe it in through your cells. Keep saying “WOW I AM really starting to feel energized.”

Remember the Universe only knows what you tell it, it doesn’t know if you drive a Ford Pinto or a Mercedes, it only knows what you tell it. Be sure to ASK your Angels and highest beings to help you out and stay close as you’re working through all of this. Sometimes in my gratitude journal (you ARE keeping one aren’t you?) I write down things I WANT to happen during my day “as IF they ALREADY happened.” That is called “fake it before you make it.” Let’s do this together, let’s make it a game, let’s for the next TEN days talk about our lives (after we’ve weeded out the gardens of our minds of course) in the PRESENT tense as if what we want is here.

Go all out, put FEELING into it. I have a Har-Money Card deck that I use weekly, and this past Sunday I drew Prosperity Law #51 I FEELharmoney cards MY DREAMS COME ALIVE! So vibrant is the human spirit that it can have a truly profound effect on the subconscious mind. Merely intellectualizing something is not enough. You must create the “FEELING” within you that your dreams are coming alive.

For those of you that know me, I used to set the table for two, and talk to my supposed date (empty chair) as if he were really there, and we’d have this conversation back and forth, and I’d even pour two glasses of wine, (which of course I’d have to drink his), because after all he’s in my imagination. I’ve gone to dealerships and driven cars I’ve wanted and had them manifest right in front of my eyes. If you’ve never made a Treasure Map or a Vision Board, what are you waiting for?

By the way, since we’re on the subject of cars my youngest daughter just got a job selling cars, so if any of you are in the market and live near Alliance stop into Wally-Armour Chrysler Dodge  and be sure to ASK for SHAYNA. Or go in and test drive the car of your dreams, you’d be surprised how fast the Universe works to put you in the driver’s seat.

Now, let’s go back to the positive thinking, choose only positive thoughts to describe your home, career, and finances, as your words determine your outcome. Like I said “make a game of it” talk to your pets and tell them your dreams, in PRESENT tense of course. At least they won’t burst your bubble with negative thoughts like, “why on earth do you want to do that”, or “are you crazy that’ll never happen.” There IS a reason why we don’t share our goals, there are too many dream crushers out there!

So are you psyched, let’s do this thing!

6a00d8341c57f753ef0147e3d9035a9Mer_skeletonAlso I’m running a Halloween Special on Astrology Charts, any charts ordered between now and Halloween you’ll receive a 50% discount, and for my Astrology students, I’ll take another 10% off. Even the skeletons are coming out of their graves for that one. Solar Return flavors of the month, Virgos, Libras, Scorpios and Sagittarius.

Make the next TEN days of this Retrograde work in your favor, after all the New Moon is the 23rd, so start practicing what you want to manifest between now and then.


I AM so grateful for all of you, thank you for your continued support.

Love & Blessings,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr


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