Hello Everyone: Until I can get back into my website (I changed hosting providers in August) I’m going to post the January Starr Scopes here.
Dates to be aware of:
- Mercury Retrograde: January 5th, 1* Aquarius, 8:06amEST/5:06amPST then goes Direct on January 25th at 14* Capricorn 4:50pmEST/1:50pmPST.
- New Moon: January 9th, 19* Capricorn 8:30pmEST/5:30pmPST
- Full Moon: January 23rd, 3* Leo 8:45pmEST/5:45pmPST
ARIES: During this volcanic month of January with Mercury Retrograde squaring the warrior planet Mars, you’ll have your fair share of battles. Do your best to stay calm, think before you open mouth or draw your sword, keep those Rams horns of yours tucked in. Know that everything is working out justly and for the fairness of all involved. Call to Archangel Raguel for guidance.
TAURUS: This is one time that the Bull needs to stay in the Bull Pen while contemplating his/her decisions. You have too many options and ideas floating around, take your time. Do the necessary research, weigh your options, sleep on it, Neptune will assist you in your dream world. Then when the Retrograde is over, you’ll have a clearer head in which to move forward.
GEMINI: Congratulations, Twins! You’ve been contemplating over a challenging situation, looking at both sides (the black & the white) from your Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde personas. You are in the driver’s seat, the reins are in your hands. Remain calm, grounded and disciplined, you have the motivation to achieve. Everything will be visible for you to see around the time of the Full Moon, seek guidance from Archangel Metatron.
CANCER: Now’s not the time to throw in the towel, you’ve come too far. The Crab is a tenacious creature, protect that which you’ve created, you have the courage and the strength to move forward. You may have to open those pincers of yours to the opinions and views of others, while remaining steadfast to your beliefs and values. There is a light at the end of the Full Moon, be open to it and you will shine, baby shine!
LEO: New beginnings for you oh golden one. As King/Queen of your Jungle you may be taking on some new inhabitants to sit by your throne. Is there a more melodic tone to your roar? The love boat is headed to the Jungle, make sure the waterways are open. Pass on those good vibrations to everyone around you, share the love, the joy, and get ready, you may even be moving that throne of yours to a new location. It’s all good 🙂
VIRGO: The Lion is passing on some of his/her good JuJu to the Virgoans. “Your wish is my command”, the Genie keeps saying to the Virgos this year. Jupiter is still in your sign for another nine months! You’ve hit the proverbial jackpot, dreams and wishes are coming true. Keep planting those seeds of abundance, remain in a state of gratitude, share the wealth and keep singing everything is coming up roses!
LIBRA: Your Word is Your Wand; make that your Mantra. You are a self-fulfilling prophecy, take some time in meditation to balance your thoughts, (lest you tip the “scales” in the wrong direction) give gratitude to the GOOD, keep your focus on what you WANT! If you’re having sleepless nights, due to thoughts of worry, take a bath of lavender oil, Epsom salts & baking soda. Light incense, candles & focus only on the POSITIVE!
SCORPIO: Mars is in Scorpio till August; use that martian energy to create stardust from the ashes of the Phoenix. Give birth to ideas, leave that Scorpion stinger & the destruction that goes with it buried. This is a happy time for you, look to the celestial heavens each night & make a wish, or 2 or 3. You’re on the right path, fill your days with positive optimistic thoughts, look at the bigger picture. The force is with you, ask Archangel Jophiel for guidance.
SAGITTARIUS: The Centaur’s world is about to be shaken up, this is your WAKE-UP call. A significant life event has shed light on the darkness. Free yourself of those self-imposed chains, open yourself to a world of possibilities. You’re Dorothy & you’ve come home to realize, the magic was in your hands, you’re the only one who can change your world! It’s not “out there” & it’s not about “other” people, aim that arrow straight at the heart of LOVE; call on Archangel Chamuel for guidance.
CAPRICORN: January places it’s focus on the Goat, with the Sun & Mercury moving into Capricorn. However, the Goat’s attention is elsewhere. A relationship is deepening, extend the cup of forgiveness, communicate clearly, & share ideas; so there’s no misunderstandings. A positive resolution is at hand, the tumultuous waters have now parted, the Sun is shining & the rainbow appears overhead.
AQUARIUS: A milestone is upon you, raise your scepter in celebration, you’ve earned it. The Golden Horse has carried you through this journey. An engagement is in the stars; sing, dance, make merriment, gather round ye gentlemen and share an abundance of food and drink. Wait till the dust of Mercury Retrograde settles, a happy home life, peace, contentment & success abound. Sprinkle stardust all around you.
PISCES: The Fish has every reason to be proud now, you’ve earned your way to a bigger pond. Exciting new opportunities await you in that vast ocean of potentialities. Career advancement is here, embrace new adventures, take risks, now is the time to enthusiastically pursue those innovative ideas of yours! Go for it, with all the gusto you’ve got, now you can dream of those castles in the air.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have your yearly transits AND your personal numerology for 2016”? I am running a New Years special for the transits and will throw in the numerology for FREE, all for just $25! Orders must be placed by January 10th!
A yearly transit is a daily guide, analysis of planetary happenings personalized for your chart, (roughly 120 pages) in the areas of your life being activated by the planets. I’ve been doing mine for over 40 years, and wouldn’t leave home without them! See below for a synopsis of what the information provides:
- which days are good for career, asking for raises etc.
- when Venus hits your chart, good days for being out & about to meet that special someone
- days when it’s better to keep a low profile because Mars (conflict) is aspected in a harsh way
- favorable days to play the lotto (Jupiter)
- days to hit the books or do some traveling (Mercury
- you’ll be able to plan certain events using your transits as a guide
- $25 is a STEAL for 365 days of personal transit
- orders must be placed by January 10th; (I’m covering vacations at work, time is limited)
- Note: Transits will be delivered to email, in one PDF file for the entire year! 🙂
Your personal year Numerology report is a combined report from a plethora of resources compiled with all the information at your disposal to guide you through 2016. I personally print mine out in December and refer to it each month throughout the year. It’s a colossal help for me, reminding me where my energies are best used and where I’m beating my head against the wall. Similar to a GPS, you avoid the pitfalls, and take detours where necessary for smooth sailing.
Yearly Transits with FREE Numerology $25 (put birth info in the comments box, or email me)
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for your continued Love & Support,