THE STRAWBERRY MOON: It’s that time again, the wonderful, illuminating full moon. As most of you are aware I absolutely love the moon and everything about it. As a small child traveling in the car from Huntsburg, OH to visit my grandmother in Middleburg Heights I had my nose stuck against the window of the car following the moon all the way home. At the time I didn’t realize that my fascination with the moon was because I am a Cancer, and the moon is my ruling planet.
Today’s full moon is called the Strawberry Moon by some and the Lotus Moon by others. Which ever name resonates with you go with it. The Sun being in Gemini, and the Moon being in Sagittarius during this full moon event deals with the literary world. Gemini associates with the mind, the intellect, & communication; Sagittarius evolves us to a higher level, philosophy, metaphysics and looking at the “big picture.” Take time to see things from a higher plane of existence while at the same time not over-looking the details. (Mercury is still Retrograde).
This is a time to reflect on your true authenticity, to thine own self be true, (see last week’s blog below). As we delve into the library of our souls, checking out our Akashic records would be highly beneficial as well as sharpening our intuitive skills.
IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS: In exactly 22 days, Eva Starr will be turning 60! Yahoo! No one loves their birthdays more than I do. It is with great pleasure that I announce (after almost a decade of procrastination) that my first book is out! I am coming to Cleveland to spend some time with my daughters, my grand-daughter and celebrate my 60th birthday.
It is my hope that I will be able to make some arrangements to do a book-signing, see most of you, (time permitting). Everything was on hold (with the book) for quite awhile so this is last minute stuff. I would be extremely grateful and honored to have your support. Here is the link for the book, Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself, get your orders in early to allow for shipping and I will keep you posted on the book signing. I would love to personally sign each and everyone of your books.
Until we meet again, as always thank you for your support and generosity,