For those of you who are familiar with The Work of Byron Katie, then the title of today’s blog shouldn’t surprise you, yes it’s about The Work by

Byron Katie. I decided to take a “do nothing” day Monday and went to Dixon Lake and read for four hours then just sat there taking in the beautiful scenery and did “nothing” but look out at the lake, the trees, and the sky for the next hour. I was reading Byron Katie’s I Need Your Love – Is That True?
I had what I call a “miracle” happen to me on Saturday when I went home for my lunch break from work. I was doing dishes and I heard my text go off, so I checked the phone and it was my oldest daughter. Well, I hadn’t heard from her since the wedding last October, and sent presents (for Xmas) had called, emailed, and yes texted to no avail. So I decided instead of putting myself through the misery of unreturned phone calls and texts I just decided I was done. Now mind you I didn’t write her off as being out of my life, I just decided I wasn’t going to put myself through the pain and misery anymore.
Of course in my mind, I had “imagined” a billion reasons why she wasn’t returning my calls, and texts and why I hadn’t heard from her, and trust me none of the reasons I conjured up were pretty and chances are probably none of them were true, which led me to reading the book today which I started awhile back.
The text I got from her was asking me about a potato salad recipe, so I texted back with my answer. Then the text sound on my phone went off two more times, while my hands were elbow deep in the dish water. Then the phone rang and it was her. This is about as rare as my flying to the moon without my broom. She wanted to know if I got the last two texts and she had urgent questions about the potato salad.
Normally, I would’ve made some comments about “is this really you?” or “did you ever get my Xmas present five months ago” and “your phone really does work.” I did none of the above. I actually am surprised at myself and quite impressed at the same time. I simply answered her questions, we had a short but sweet chat and I ended by saying “I love you”, which she responded by saying “I love you too,” and that was the end of it.
The reason I share this is because I realized at that moment something else came over me. I was just being me, a mom who loves her daughter and everything else fell by the wayside. Now, I’m not saying I’m able to do this all the time, but I was then and that’s all that matters.
In Byron Katie’s work she talks about all the things we ‘imagine” in our minds about why other people do what they do and why we let it upset us. She has you do this four question inquiry and ask yourself these four questions anytime you find yourself in a dilemma where you are simply making shit up in your mind. I’m speaking for myself here, you may never do that, but you may know a friend who does and maybe you can pass this on to him or her.
If you’ve never picked up any of Byron Katie’s books I suggest you try one and see what you think, it may save you endless hours of unnecessary misery.
For those of you who missed last week’s Blog Talk Radio show click here to listen to the entire show, Blog Talk Radio with Eva Starr.
Also, if you’re at a loss for what to get your Mom for Mother’s Day or your daughter’s who have children, I may have a unique suggestion. Here are some sample charts of Oprah Winfrey, Robert De Niro and Bette Midler, (no I’m not suggesting “their” charts). However, a personalized chart of your loved one you can put on your flash drive, and take to a Kinko’s or Office Max. They print it, you frame it; they make lovely gifts.
Here are some samples of the aforementioned celebrities, I have at least three dozen different colors and styles. Email me if you’re interested, they’re only $10.

As Always Blessings & Gratitude to You,