I am blessed to be a guest on Blog Talk Radio this week with host Raydee, the topic will be Integrating Astrology with Metaphysics. If you can join me, the show will be broadcast this Thursday, April 10th at 8:00pm (PDT). My apologies to my east coast readers, I realize this is late for you, but the time was already set.
From very early on in my life I’ve always felt I “understood” certain things of an esoteric nature without needing a scientific explanation. I was fascinated by the moon, Edgar Cayce (of all things) and Astrology since childhood. Neither my mother nor my father ever spoke of these things, nor was I exposed to it. I now know that it was my soul remembering past incarnations.
After decades of studying Astrology I find there is a connection to everything that exists in our Universe. I feel everything is a collective part of the whole, and none can exist without the other. Astrology has it’s own multi-layered language similar to that of Egyptian Hieroglyphics where only a select few understood the meaning of the language.
Our world view has changed irrevocably since the revolution of the early 60s when the younger generation began to say ‘no’ to the old school approach of aggressive intervention to solve planetary problems.
Over the last fifteen years since Neptune entered the sign of Aquarius in 1999 we’ve seen a change. We have moved from a judgmental God to one of giving choice and free will back to humanity, and to a belief in ourselves as creative individuals with the right to explore our own greatness without fear of retribution from the Almighty hand of God.
What has changed is the Ancient Astrological Model based on that we are ‘fated’; moving to one where Free Will comes into play. It reminds me of my first lesson in Metaphysics that I’ve since seen or heard no less than a billion times, which is “It’s not WHAT happens to you, it’s HOW you respond to what happens to you.”
My personal belief is that everything in this grand Universe of ours is a metaphor. We are surrounded by metaphors in our waking lives and surely in our dreaming lives. Join me on Blog Talk Radio this Thursday as we delve into the meanings of your dreams, your car, and yes even what’s in your refrigerator, and how this relates to your Zodiac sign and your metaphysical path in this classroom we call Planet Earth.
For more information about the show click here for details Blog Talk Radio with Raydee & Eva Starr.
Thank you all again for your continued support, I am truly blessed!