How to Release Negativity

January 11, 2014by Eva Starr0

I’ve started a new ritual over the last month or so and that is “letting go or releasing” anything that is blocking my flow of love into my heart. By that I mean things like:

  • something someone said that may have offended me
  • hurt feelings I may have because I haven’t heard from my oldest daughter
  • a crude, uncalled remark a co-worker might have sad
  • something I may have said or done that I regret
  • an ignoramus driver that may have screamed at me at a red light (because the sign say “NO turn on red” and this lovely person wanted me to turn
  • your significant other who just isn’t playing into the script your wrote (lol)

I’m sure by now you get the idea. I bought a small cauldron10 Ways to Improve Self cauldron, you can use a ceramic pot, or a fire pit, or anything you have that is SAFE and is intended to burn stuff in. Go buy some colored sand at Michael’s, Pat Catans, or the pet store.  Keep a pad and a pen next to it, (used only for this intended purpose) along with a lighter or matches.

OK, now that you have all your supplies, this is how it goes:

  1. When you walk in the door from work, or school, or wherever, sit down and write down the thing/s that upset you that day, feel the emotion, then burn it in the cauldron, and say LOUDLY “BE GONE!”
  2. Now, the secret is once you’ve burned it, you are no longer allowed to bring it up again, it is done! (these are my rules, and they work for me, otherwise what’s the point if you’re just going to be digging up dead ashes?)
  3. If you stick to the rule of not bringing it up after it’s burned you’ll notice a difference in your life immediately.
  4. I recently read in Alan Cohen’ s The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore that when you hold a negative or angry thought you attract every person’s energy in the Universe that is carrying that same vibration! Think about that one for a minute, that could mean millions!!!

I’m on a lunch break from work but wanted to give you a little something to digest over the weekend.

Talk to you soon,

Love to You,


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