How To Know You’re Listening To Your GPS

May 9, 2012by Eva Starr0

How Do You Know You’re Listening to Your GPS?

God's Path 

  • God’s path is higher than your path
  • it’s programmed to tell you when you’re headed toward purpose and meaning
  • you feel JOY when you arrive at your destination
  • it stretches you to come out of your comfort zone
  • you take risks where before you played it safe
  • you’re unsure of the future but you TRUST a source bigger than you
  • the Path is lit only far enough for you to see ahead of you
  • sometimes if scares the living daylights out of you
  • you don’t know your next move, but you feel safe
  • you have desires, and dreams and you long to reach them

I could go on but I think you get the picture. Let me lay the law of the land for you in very simple terms!


Do what brings you JOY! Stay TRUE to yourself! Go into the SILENCE each and every day and just LISTEN and TRUST! Ask yourself every morning “how can I serve?” That is all my dear friend…


I love you, now go ahead, turn your GPS on and take that first step…

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