How To Find Your Life Purpose

February 18, 2013by Eva Starr0

How to Find Your Life Purpose


Why are You Here?
There are a plethora of web sites out there to help you discover your life’s purpose. In my search I discovered an interesting site, How To Find Your Life Purpose in 20 minutes or Less. Wow, I thought, it takes most of us years.

It suggests that you write at the top of a page, What is my true purpose in life? Then, you just start writing until you get to the one that makes you cry. Hummnn, very interesting, I thought, let’s give this a shot.

So I started writing down things like, to help people reach their dreams, to write, to inspire people, to empower, etc. Then I started running out of things, then all of a sudden out of absolutely NO where, (I don’t even recall writing it) I looked at the paper as I started to CRY, and there it was “TO LOVE MYSELF.” Wow, that’s some powerful stuff there.

I am happy to say, I was elated that it only took 17 items to get to the answer, #17 was the one that started the tears a-rolling like a run-away train! Please, take the time to try this exercise yourself when you have time. Be sure to leave yourself plenty of time, some of you may not get the answer in seventeen tries.

I did a little more research on Buckminister Fuller’s advice and this is what I learned about life purpose:

  1. Precession – we need to keep in motion, constantly moving,  
  2. True purpose add value (check to see if your goal adds value to life)
  3. Listen for positive & negative taps (those taps on your shoulder that let you know you’re on the right path, or you need to re-think)
  4. Failure – the only failure is the failure to participate, (participate in life every where you can)
  5. Distinctions – it’s the little distinctions that make all the difference
  6. Forgiveness – It’s easier to forgive than get permission, in other words, it’s OK to make mistakes along the way
  7. On Track only 2% of the time (the space shuttle that landed on the moon was only on track 2% of the time, but it still LANDED ON THE MOON)
  8. 94% of the problems are due to SYSTEMS not people, you can’t change people or the environment, change the system (the way you do things)
  9. Synergy 1+ 1 = 3,4,5,6,7,8,9…
    1. listen actively (no “experts”)
    2. trust intuition (speak up)
    3. agree to agree
    4. be flexible
    5. be compassionate
  10. Take responsibility (no blame)
  11. PRAY – pray to God continually for guidance. Listen to your heart & intuition God will speak to you through them.  
  12. Commitment! Commit to taking that first step, then another, and another! 

So once you figure out WHAT it is you’re suppose to do, start following the above 12-Steps and you’ll be well on your way to success and happiness! Good Luck!


As always, thanks for your support,

I love you,  

Eva Starr

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