How Big is your WHY?

March 2, 2015by Eva Starr0

How BIG is your WHY? This is the question we should be asking ourselves, because this will determine

How Big is Your WHY?
How Big is Your WHY?

if we’re going to make all those laps around the track, cross that finish line by a head and come out a winner. We all have goals, desires, intentions, and bucket lists  in our lives, however the “determining factor” is the WHY behind it. What motivates us to complete, (operative word complete) or reach the finish line.

Think about it like this, let’s say you just saw your little girl, or grandchild crawl under a car to get a ball, at that moment you will do anything and everything to get her out of harm’s way, even go as far as lifting that car up with your own bar hands, it’s been done. Let’s break it down, we have resources and we have resourceful, the difference in those two words is similar to the aforementioned situation with the little girl trapped under a car, you were resourceful. I’ll let Tony Robins explain it for you…

Our WHY needs to stem from deep within the soul, and come from a place of EMOTION, where we can see it, taste it, feel it, smell it, it needs to be the “be all” that gets us fired up. For most of us we all want to make more money, (at least most of us) but making more money isn’t the WHY, we need to break it down and think in SPECIFIC detail “what we’re going to do with the money,” and I do mean “great detail”.

I heard a story awhile back I used to share in my classes about the lady who wanted to win the lottery (don’t we all), but she took it to the nth degree. She hired a financial adviser, and planned out every step in great detail of what she was going to do with the money and she WON!!! She won because she had a big WHY, which was she already knew what she was going to do with the money, she could see it!

To find your WHY, you’ve got to ask yourself these questions?

  • what are you so passionate about that you’d do anything to achieve it?
  • If you “knew” and even if you don’t let’s pretend you “do” what God put you on this Planet for, what would be the first words out of your mouth, to answer that question?
  • God comes to you and says “I will supply you with an unlimited amount of funds at all times to do whatever you want with it, but I ask only ONE thing of you and that is “you need to be totally fulfilled” what would that thing be that fulfills you?
  • No one gives anyone a million dollars if they don’t have any idea what they want to do with it

Do me a favor, write out a certain amount of money that you want to have in the next year, (dream out of your playing small box) and:

  • make a list of everything you’re going to do with it, (be specific)
  • how much and who you’re going to tithe to
  • where you’re going to go, and with who (or by yourself)
  • what type of things are you going to spend it on that involve family and friends
  • how much do you want to spend on food & what kind of restaurants/grocery stores
  • and what’s the one BIG thing you’re going to do for someone else that will blow them out of the water

Do this in PEN (not pencil) and in a journal, and date it! Then make a Pinterest secret board, or your own Treasure Map, then come back to me in a year!

Get fired up and do this!

I love you, and I believe in you…

Eva Starr
Eva Starr




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