Yea it’s that time again precisely 10:02am PDT and 1:02pm EDT on Saturday October 4th. This one doesn’t appear to be as brutal as some in days gone past. First we got Venus which just made it’s entrance into Libra, it’s natural home, and we know Libra and Venus both are all about keeping the peace, harmony and beauty.
Mercury on the other hand just entered Scorpio, which is all about death-rebirth, the rising of the Phoenix, (think ashes), and secrets locked up tighter than Keith Moons drums. Imagine this, Venus the romancer of the Zodiac, in peace-loving Libra, Mercury the Messenger of the Gods in passionate, sexy, secretive Scorpio. I say we have the makings of a Richard Gere & Debra Winger flick (now I’m dating myself).
Seriously though, take this time to delve deep into that Soul of yours, and do some digging while you’re down there. Think about the last three months and what transpired within your relationships, (Mercury starts it’s Retrograde motion in Scorpio but then during it’s backward two-step through the Zodiac hits Libra on October 10th). This is an excellent time to finish what you started in the last few months, re-visit, re-view, re-evaluate, and re-think. That’s right re-think “what were you thinking?”
The key word for this Retrograde is PURGE, BABY PURGE! Scorpio is all about cleansing, purging, digging, get your hands dirty and clean out that garage, the refrigerator, (I’m certain something’s growing in there unless you’re a Virgo, then you’re probably using it as a science experiment), and your closets. While you’re at it, clean out your psyche, the closets of your mind. Use that Louise Hay affirmation that I’m so fond of “I AM cleaning out the closets of my mind, releasing what no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming.” In fact, this is the perfect time to have a Scorpio Mercury Retrograde because Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are just around the corner and you’ll have everything cleaned out. Won’t that be nice?
This is nature’s way of giving you time to slow down (Mercury Retrograde), so heed it’s advice. Take time out to re-flect, re-lax, re-cuperate and pay particular attention to miscommunications, (that Scorpion tongue is fatal).

Beware of the open mouth insert foot syndrome. Re-check your appointment calendar so you don’t show up at the wrong coffee shop on the wrong day. Hold off getting any car repairs until the Retrograde is over, (after October 25th) and back up your computers, and for God’s sake keep an eye on your cell phone, (for those of you who know, it’s maddening to lose your cell phone).
Here’s a list of crystals to get you through, and if you know a good astrologer (hint) find out what house this Retrograde is transiting through to give you a heads up on what area of your life will be affected.
Crystals: Labradorite, Mookaite, Tigers Iron, Tektite. The energies and properties of Obsidian or Apache Tear blend seamlessly with this event- However they are powerful and should be used with caution- Especially by those in committed monogamous relationships.
Mercury Retrograde and Your Sun Sign
Each sun sign has its own unique contribution and interaction with the Mercury Retrograde Cycle. Here are the details for each Sun Sign:
If all else fails, a glass of red wine is the key for me, (after all it does begin with re). You can make it through this, I know you can.
I love you and thank you for your continued generosity and support.