Hold on to your hats…here comes Mercury Retrograde. I have a new spin on this particular Retrograde because it starts out in my own sign of Cancer, then retrogrades back into Gemini on June 17th continuing on until July 1st when it comes to an end. The official start time of the retrograde is June 7th at 7:56am EDT and 4:56amPDT for those in the Golden State.
As this particular Retrograde gets started you can expect to take a stroll down memory lane. Ghosts from the past may surface, old lovers return, and the emotional family baggage that you so carefully swept under the rug and into the closet comes out with high-beams shining down on it for the whole world to see.
This doesn’t necessarily need to be something you want to run from, quite the contrary. Use this time to your advantage to heal those emotional wounds stemming from childhood, and the skeletons in your family closet that only come out on Halloween. This is a good time to reflect on those past relationships and the lessons that return back at ya, to take a deeper reflective look.
As Mercury retrogrades back into the air sign of Gemini on June 17th, it’s time to look at the patterns our minds play with us. Since Mercury is the “Messenger” of the Gods, what meaning does all this nostalgic baggage that was dropped on our doorsteps have for us? Let’s use this time to reflect on exactly how our communication methods are working for us or against us.
This is also a time to beware of “drunk” emailing or texting, or worse yet, going on social media in the middle of the night and hitting the “wrong” buttons for the whole globe to see. Don’t laugh, it can happen, and I’m sure I’ll hear a few stories here and there…hopefully yours or mine won’t be one of them.
This is when people will open mouths wide and insert Big Foot, you’ve been forewarned! Just be sure to re-check, re-think, re-do, re-evaluate, re-visit, re-flect and basically cross all your t’s and dot all your i’s and you’ll be fine. Things that are affected during the Retrograde are vehicles, (people losing keys, batteries going dead), computers, (crashing or just acting like they’ve been inhabited with Gremlins overnight), and miscommunications of all kinds. Business meetings are late, or people show up in the wrong place at the wrong time, phone or text messages are lost or misconstrued, (which happens enough as it is).
This is a GOOD time to spend reflecting on life and it’s deeper meaning, and especially those relationships from the past that have a deeper “soul” connection, (you know the ones I’m talking about). As Mercury moves back into Gemini after June 17th, this is an excellent time for the writer’s and artists out there to re-vamp, re-view, and even re-write your websites, blogs, journals and those cocktail napkins with the next “Waldon’s Pond” notes written on them.
If at all possible I would highly suggest holding off on signing any major contracts or purchasing real-estate or vehicles at this time. Trust me on this one, two years ago during a Retrograde I did this, knowing full well it was Retrograde but I needed a vehicle. The short of it, is it was a nightmare, only my belief in an Angelic existence and a higher power saved me, but it was anything but short and sweet.
When all else fails during the Retrograde grab yourself a bottle of your favorite wine, but be careful to check the label, and save your receipt in case you end up with a leakage in the cork and a bottle of vinegar.
Blessings to All and Once Again Thanks for Your Continued Support…
My birthday is happening during this Retrograde, June 24th, so feel free to drop those coins in the Tip Jar,
I love you, and am grateful for you,