Gratitude, Happiness & Your Bucket List

June 11, 2014by Eva Starr0

bucket-list-32 (1)Gratitude, Happiness & your Bucket List are intertwined and dependent on each  other. HOW you ask? I’m about to share a few things I’ve learned along my rocky road path, with a few chuck holes here and there.

First off, your Happiness is dependent on YOU and only YOU! Let me repeat that, Your Happiness is Dependent on YOU and Only You! In other words, it goes back to Metaphysics 101, It’s not WHAT happens to you, it’s HOW you RESPOND to what happens to you. Of course, this is easier said than done, and no one knows that better than me. I work on my spirituality and my “don’t take it personal” just about every moment of every day. With that being said, I will use a flat tire for an example. each of you may encounter a flat tire on the way home from work (cancel, cancel) and EACH and EVERY one of you will have a different experience. So it’s NOT the flat tire, it’s how you DEAL with the flat tire. Some of you may cuss and swear and kick the tire (I’m sure that’ll make it blow up again) and others will just call AAA then ask themselves (this would be me) “WHERE IN MY LIFE AM I FEELING FLAT, WITH NO AIR, NO LIFE LEFT IN ME?” then I would proceed to journal until I come up with the answers.

Everything, and I do mean everything comes to us for a learning lesson, (if it upsets us) then there’s something for us to look at. It may just be releasing people or things from our lives that “no longer serve who we are and who we are becoming.” However, that’s for you to evaluate and decide. If we look for the rainbow in the storm we’re bound to find some kind of answer and guess what? If you don’t find the answer the Universe will make sure, you get ANOTHER CHANCE to look at your life and make changes, trust me on this one.

Let’s look at GRATITUDE! It has a domino effect, in other words the more you are grateful, the more things the Universe will give you to be grateful for. I’ve come across a few books (lol) (a few is an understatement for me) recently that illustrate this point, or more like drive it home with a hammer. It truly  does work, I keep a gratitude journal, (and if you’re a former student of mine chances are you do too), and I write religiously in my gratitude journal daily all the things I am grateful for. The words, THANK YOU,, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, are extremely powerful.

There is a new book out by Rhonda Byrne The Magic and she takes you through a 30-day process of gratitude for every area of your life, it’s a great reminder of what we already know.

On the flip-side, complaining does the same thing, (and I know we’re all guilty of it from time to time, even yours truly) but it’s like the cartoon in the newspaper in Joe Btfsplkdays gone past Lil Abner where he walked around with a “cloud of doom” over his head all the time. I always tell people when you say words like “I’m broke or I don’t have the money” (cancel, cancel) you are only bringing more poverty into your lives, think about it. So which would you rather do walk around all day being grateful for what you have? or complaining all day about what you don’t have? I’m just saying; the choice is yours…

Last, but surely not least The Bucket List, since my birthday is going to be in THIRTEEN days (but who’s counting? I AM) I create a bucket list every year. Yea, why wait until you die, to do your bucket list, I do one each year for my birthday of all the things I want to do before my NEXT birthday. So CHOOSING happiness and being grateful ENABLE me to more effectively achieve all the things on my bucket list. For those of you who need to be inspired go to The Bucket List.

It’s time for me to sign-off Mercury Retrograde is getting the best of my computer and I’m trying my best to respond in a graceful way and not take a hammer to it.

Thank You for your continued  support and generosity.

Blessings to You,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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