One of the things on my Bucket List for my upcoming Birthday Year, (7 Days Away Yahoo!) is I’ve always wanted to be part of a prayer line. Well, when the Angels were here at the end of May they conveyed to me on more than a few occasions that I was here to heal, empower and inspire. They told me I was an Earth Angel and a Light Worker. Yea, so what I said, somewhere I’ve always suspected that everything I’ve done and gone through in my life was for a higher purpose.
A couple of days ago I was meditating again on my life purpose, (I was more or less thinking of changing my job) and again it came to me to heal, to teach, to be a medium and a conduit for healing and empowerment. OK, OK I said, I hear you. Then I got a request from one of my former students for healing. I didn’t even think twice about it, I immediately considered it done and started my usual process when I’m sending light, healing and love to others.
Then the Light Bulb went off. That’s it! I’ll start my own prayer line, and healing list. I haven’t worked out the details yet for the prayer line. However, in the meantime please, please feel free to email me and tell me what you’d like help and/or healing with and I will add you to my list and continue to hold you in the light and send higher vibrations of love, healing and light to you. Your requests will remain between you, me and the Great Spirit in the Sky.
Now, let’s move onto Mercury Retrograde, today it moved into Gemini, it started out its Retrograde in Cancer. For today and the next couple of days you may want to look over communications you started in the last week or so, and work out the details. Also, you’re still not out of the woods, so I would be extra careful of opening mouth and inserting foot. When in doubt, keep MOUTH SHUT!
I am going camping for a couple of days for my birthday, (yes, by myself). I really miss camping with my youngest daughter Shayna when she was younger. But she’s in Ohio and I’m in Cali. Soul Food will probably not be out next week, because I am leaving my laptop at home for a change. Look up in the skies on Tuesday June 24th, (the BIG day) and you just might see a shooting STARR that will be me saying Hello!
I Will Hold All of You in My Prayers,