With the arrival of the Fall Equinox, signifying the arrival of the Sun’s entrance into Libra, Pluto finally making it’s direct motion from it’s former Retrograde position, and the New Moon in Libra tonight at 11:14 pm PDT and 2:14 am EDT that’s a handful.
Let’s talk about Pluto, ruler of the Underworld, obsessions and compulsions, our secrets, and the whole death and rebirth phenomena. Pluto made it’s entrance into earthy Capricorn back in 2008, and as you know Pluto doesn’t do anything fast. Much like the Goat it will plod along tirelessly up the mountain persevering as it’s preparing for Nirvana once it reaches the peak. Pluto, the Karma planet will be hanging around that mountain until the the mid 2020s giving us plenty of time to get used to all the transformation.
With Pluto in Capricorn, and Saturn ruling Capricorn, and Saturn in Scorpio, (which Pluto rules) it’s all about time, (fatther-time) and your lessons, (Saturn being the lesson-maker). That’s right no more superficiality here, you’re about to have a reality wake-up call, and unless you want to be repeat these lessons over and over again, get down to business, and I do mean business.
Moving on to the Fall Equinox, and the Moon’s entrance into Libra, joining the Sun (hence the New Moon) it’s all about relationships, yours, theirs, and ours. That’s right the relationship you have with yourself, first and foremost, how’s that going? Are you being true to you, and your beliefs, or are you letting others crush your dreams? Are you loving yourself or are looking to others to do that for you? Loving yourself is an “inside” job, and the energy over the next few days is going to call your attention to that fact, look in the mirror.
Libra is all about being the peacemaker and bringing peace to the planet, This is where we look at our relationships with others, our significant others, our friends and family, and last but not least our co-workers. This is a time to come bearing the olive branch instead of the guided missile, look for the win-win situations for the highest good of our parties involved and you can’t go wrong.
With this approaching New Moon, don’t forget to do your New Moon Abundance check (check out link). I like to have a little more ritual and do the candle, the New Moon Wish List, and the whole shebang.
Let’s talk Solar Returns, a Solar Return is an in-depth chart/report for about 15 months surrounding your birthday year. It’s like the Reader’s Digest version of your Natal Chart but for 15 months of your life. It focuses on the areas of life that are changing, and challenging as well as the opportunities that lie ahead for you in the months to come. In all the years that I’ve been practicing Astrology the Solar Return is my most requested chart year after year from my clients. The flavors of the month are Virgos, Libras, Scorpios, and I’m even going to throw Sagittarians into the mix. I’m running a discount for those particular signs, just email me [email protected] or phone me at 440-930-8865 for details. With your Solar Return chart/report comes a free phone consultation with me explaining everything in vivid detail.
Thank you for your continued support,
With Much Gratitude,