I used to play darts many moons ago, and I wasn’t the best player on the team but IF (that’s the operative word) I wanted to hit the bullseye I could. Why???
Because I had a CLEAR idea in my mind of where I was headed (the Bullseye) and what it took to get there. If I put my FOCUS on where the dart needed to go, which obviously is a straight line to the bullseye, then that’s all it took.
Sometimes HOW that dart made it to the bullseye surprised the hell out of me, but remember the HOW is always up to God. So, if you are contemplating your birthday, or your bucket list, or you just have some goals. Think about WHAT it is you want, EXACTLY, be SPECIFIC, have your EYE on the Bullseye and then plan, execute, and leave the HOW up to God.
Here’s a site for a little extra help, Know WHAT You Want