Do You Know Which Road to Take?

February 18, 2013by Eva Starr0
Why Do Some Things Come To Us Lightening Quick and…
A MazeA Straight Line

…others seem to take forever? Well, I’m about to clue you in. Take a look at both of these pictures.
WHO do you think is going to get to their destination quicker, the girl on the left, or the person who is driving in the maze? Obviously the five-year old girl will arrive a helluva lot quicker than you and I. Think about this for a minute.OK time’s up. As I was pondering my life and heading into my 57th year which is two weeks from now. Yes, my birthday is June 24th, and I’m reevaluating my bucket list from last year. Which I will say there are quite a number of things that I accomplish each year on my bucket list! But then again there are those things that never seem to make it

Hitting the Bullseye!
The Bullseye

I used to play darts many moons ago, and I wasn’t the best player on the team but IF (that’s the operative word) I wanted to hit the bullseye I could. Why???

Because I had a CLEAR idea in my mind of where I was headed (the Bullseye) and what it took to get there. If I put my FOCUS on where the dart needed to go, which obviously is a straight line to the bullseye, then that’s all it took.

Sometimes HOW that dart made it to the bullseye surprised the hell out of me, but remember the HOW is always up to God. So, if you are contemplating your birthday, or your bucket list, or you just have some goals. Think about WHAT it is you want, EXACTLY, be SPECIFIC, have your EYE on the Bullseye and then plan, execute, and leave the HOW up to God.

Here’s a site for a little extra help, Know WHAT You Want

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