Day #7 The Gift of Self-Acknowledgement

March 13, 2012by Eva Starr0

Well, it’s about time now I get to do something positive…(but I do understand we need to weed the garden of the mind from all those weeds we don’t want to look at). So it’s onward and upward, it’s time to acknowledge yourself for all your accomplishments. All the times you helped someone out, lent a listening ear, did the best you could at something, or just plain utilized the God-given gifts you were born with. Go ahead and make that list, I’ll wait…(this could take awhile because I know you have plenty to be proud of).

Let’s start with me, by the way it suggests you call up your friends and ask them what they love about you and if you died what they remember most about you. So I did just that, I happened to call a former student to wish him Happy Birthday and asked him the aforementioned question. This is what he had to say ” I love your openness, your honesty, you just put yourself out there and share your whole self with the world.” So in other words I said to him “my candidness”? YEE, that’s it exactly! This is actually the number one thing people say they love about me the most, so I guess wh’re going to keep it!

To add a few to my list here’s what I came up with:

  • I walked on fire twice
  • I raised two beautiful daughters
  • I drove 3000 miles across the country and left 52 years of my life behind to move to California in the middle of December and lived to tell about it
  • I produced and hosted a television show, wrote a book, interviewed Doreen Virtue & Caroline Myss, wrote a dream column, an astrology column, and now Soul Food a metaphysical Dear Abby column…
  • my free spirit, my trust, my faith, my intellect
  • served on the board of my church, volunteered for Providence House, Westhaven, Interfaith, Elizabeth Hospice and the Philosophical Library
  • I helped women of domestic violence
  • I finished Culinary school with honors at the age of 55!
  • I taught my youngest daughter Shayna how to fish and we camped all over the states

That about wraps it up for now…my dinner is ready!

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