Day #6 The Gift of Surrender

March 11, 2012by Eva Starr0

It seems like I’ve been on this 21-day consciousness cleanse forever, but today is only day #6 (of course I’ve missed a couple of days), the gift of surrender. The Only Way Out Is Through! When I read that this morning in Debbie Ford’s book, I thought how simple, how profound, I need to put that on my mirror. Now, I’m sure I’ve heard that before, in fact I know I have, but simplicity really hits me hard!

I’ve been hearing more and more talk of moving through your feelings, staying with the pain, just sit with the anger, yada, yada, yada. Hearing about it and coming face to face with the dark night of the soul (as I did on day #2 no wine) is another animal altogether. Let me tell you something, it works! Everything else wasn’t helping so I remembered (from something else I had read) to just be with your pain, so I did, and I got through it.

Now to all of you this might not sound like a big deal but trust me wiat till the night (or day) when you’ll need to remember this and you’ll thank me and Debbie Ford and all the other gurus out there who have said the same thing at one time or another.

My entire life I’ve been told “don’t cry” especially in my most recent adult years, (and I might even being crying tears of  joy, doesn’t matter) my girls will tell me “now Mom don’t cry” and I say to them “telling me not to cry is like telling the Sun not to shine in California.” Our feelings are meant to inform us when our needs aren’t being met. Suppressing them only deprives you of their wisdom, and results in an accumulation of resistance that obstructs your connection to your Divine Source!

From the mouth of Janis Joplin “cry, cry baby!”

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