Day #4 The Gift of Forgiveness

March 11, 2012by Eva Starr0

You need to forgive yourself of the toxic poisons of the mind to transcend the limitations of the past – release old patterns & ways of thinking. “Let go of those pincers (especiallly for us Crabs) so you can crawl toward who you know you can be – instead of hiding in your shell of who you’ve been!” As I’ve talked about many times forgiveness is the key to everything in life, especially forgiveness of self!

It’s a gift for you to forgive, when you think about it the other person is holding your prisoner in your own mind and the frickin gate isn’t even locked! Doesn’t that make you want to just get over it already? This is easier said than done, but you can ask God to help, you just need to be willing.

Identify your hurts, resentments, grudges etc. then write a letter to God and give him the whole shebang! You don’t have to do this alone. I actually had an epiphany while I was writing my list, then it dawned on me…OMG I thought I am allowing this person to take up space in my mind and zap me of my beautiful energy…I don’t have time for this anymore, voila that’s it I was done. Now mind you to get to this place was a long time coming, but one day you’re just ready, you have “the shift” and that’s all it takes.

Good Luck!

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