Consciousness Cleanse

January 5, 2014by Eva Starr0

It’s that time of the year again to do something that makes us feel we’re giving ourselves a fresh new start. For myself I am doing the Debbie Ford 21-day consciousness cleanse which the last time I did this was around March of 2012. I will give you some links for similar sites that you may be interested in to give yourself a jump-start on cleansing your life. I was planning to start this on January 1st, but I chose to reread the first section of the book which took a couple of days, so here I am on day #3 of the cleanse The Gift of Release. Ford takes you through a step-by-step process during the 21-days and guides you through each step. I will say this, if you have a life or any simile of a life, this does take some time, last time it took me 28 days to get through 21 days, and this time it may take me more. It just depends how serious you are about doing all the exercises and the journaling. For those of you who have taken my Louise Hay course this is similar, but an extremely scaled down version and doesn’t even come close to the 12 weeks of personal bonding, singing, and meditations during that intensive course. However, you can do this simply by purchasing the book and doing this in the privacy of your home.Toxicity The release process (which I did most of the day today) is therapeutic in itself, allowing you once and for all to slay those dragons that haunt you in your sleep and deprive you of the relationships, jobs, and homes you deserve. It all relates back to self-esteem and loving the self. Doesn’t everything? Here is my picture of toxicity (which I then burned in my Starr Jar & nearly started a 10 alarm fire)…interesting to say the least. Here are some links to help you along your journey in bringing a fresh start to your new year.

That should be enough to give you a kick-start to your New Year.

I Love You,

Eva Starr

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