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The New Moon in Taurus occurs today, May 4th at 6:45pm/EDT 3:45pm/PDT. What’s fascinating about this New Moon is it’s cohabitating with crazy wild-man Uranus, which hasn’t happened in EIGHTY years! Take your blood-pressure medicine, and fasten your seat belts! This duo is Mother Earth meets Albert Einstein. We are asked to overhaul the way...

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I’ve been doing a whole healing detox for the last couple days, to reset my metabolism and cleanse my body of toxins, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Interesting thing, I noticed this morning that Pluto is hitting my Sun in my astrological chart indicating the need to release anything and everything in my life that...

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MAKE A DIFFERENCE It’s come to my attention that the world needs love. Yea, I know…that song comes to mind… I’m talking serious stuff here folks, whatever happened to people caring about other people, and being kind instead of selfish, mean-spirited, prejudicial human beings (and I use that word loosely) walking around this Planet Earth...

February 18, 2019Soul Foodby Eva Starr

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