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Today’s full moon occurs at 17* Scorpio opposing the Sun in Taurus, at 6:45am/EDT & 3:45am/PDT. Scorpio is all about transformation, death & rebirth, deep, dark secrets of the psyche hidden in the caves of our Soul. While Taurus is about material assets, finances, security, what we accumulate. We need to find the balance between...
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Depending what part of the country you’re in, or how you deal with uncertainty, bottom-line is we are all going through the Coronavirus Pandemic. Depending on what side of the fence you sit, you may be experiencing Fear, Worry, Anxiety or you may be feeling Nonchalant, Que Sera Sera, (for those of you old enough...
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Tonight we have a New Moon at 3* Taurus, 7:26pm/PDT & 10:26pm/EDT. I’m calling this New Moon the Joker’s Wild. The moon in Taurus, an earth sign, asks us to connect and ground ourselves with Mother Earth, and today being Earth Day how fitting is that? On the flip side the Moon is conjunct...
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There’s a story I’ve told before in my Soul Food columns which I’ve been writing for at least twenty years now. It goes like this: There’s a grandfather, who owns a big farm, he has twin grandsons who come to visit in the summer, Thomas & Paul. The twin boys are age seven. One summer...
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For those of you on your spiritual journey, or who are former students or coaching clients of mine, your spiritual self-care isn’t news to you. However, we all could use a refresher course at times. I myself, have been reading and watching videos of Wayne Dyer talks, Deepak Chopra seminars, Louise Hay movies, etc. I...
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Secrets of Happiness I watched a talk given by Deepak Chopra last night and this is what I learned, which I will share with you. There’s something called molecules of emotion, wherever a thought goes a molecule follows and it effects our biology. The ultimate goal of all goals is a Spiritual goal, which include...
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What I’ve Discovered During the Coronavirus: Fear is a fundamental element for our self-preservation. Without it we are defenseless creatures with small chances in the face of the many threats that surround us. ~ Ruda’ Lande’ Fear can unite us as a collective, coming together as did our ancestors, and tribal communities, fighting the elements...
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First, I want to say I understand this Coronavirus is a serious thing, and want to be clear I don’t take this lightly. However, with that being said, let’s review some Basic teachings from Louise Hay 101, or Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra, or Gregg Bradden, or Eva Starr (Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself)…the list goes...
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My dear readers, it is my hope to remind you what we are during these times of uncertainty, fear, and stress. We are Spiritual Beings, made in the image and likeness of our creator, the Almighty Universe, God, Spirit, call it what you like. We will survive, we will get through this, together as...
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Humans were born for connectedness; we are a tribal nation; but yet we suck at it. I’m sure this isn’t a surprise to many of you, but then again it may be. Connection is a core human need; we not only need to connect with other human beings, we also need to connect to nature....