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turtle wins the race
Ziggy Starrdust_Oct_2022

Soul Food-New Moon in Taurus/Hold Steady We have a New Moon in Taurus at 11:53am/EDT & 8:53am/PDT this morning at 28* Taurus. This new moon is making a favorable (sextile) aspect to Mars (warrior planet). Move forward with steady courageous action. However, this new moon forms a T-square (challenging) aspect to Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto....

Mercury Rx Computer

Soul Food-May Starr Scopes/Pluto Retrograde I’ve been so busy the last couple of months trying to get out presentations, my daughter Shayna’s health concerns, and just trying to stay afloat. I have been ensuring you get the updates and the latest on the New/Full Moons, the Eclipses & your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide. I have...

Zodiac Halloween Costumes
Venus in Libra
Venus in Scorpio
Jupiter in Pisces
Ziggy Starrdust Full Moon Look
emerging from a mercury retrograde

Soul Food-October Starr Scopes is Jam-Packed with Planetary Shifts-Your Zodiac Halloween Costume October is jam-packed with planetary transits, planets going from retrograde to direct, and planets entering a new sign. The new moon last week is asking us to reevaluate how we balance our lives. If you’re a type A personality like myself, you tend...

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