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  According to astrologer Cathy Pagano the Blue Moon is NOT when there are two full moons in a month but rather when there are two full moons in the same sign. This is happening at 9:45pm (EDT) on Tuesday August 20th. The Sun is in Leo and therefore the moon in in Aquarius. Sekhmet...

Venus the planet of love and money is entering Libra (which rules the LOVE part) today at 11:37am for you easterners and 8:37am over here on the west coast of sunny California.  Go out and find someone to love today and if you can’t find anyone who meets your standards then look in the mirror...

August 16, 2013Astrologyby Eva Starr

Mondays Full Moon will occur at 3:26 pm EST, and 12:26 PST in Virgo at 7 degrees, and in perfect Virgo fashion will will examine everything with a fine tooth comb under a microscope. Especially with the recent Retrograde of Mercury in Pisces, this is a time to "let the snow fall" in your life and just enjoy the silence and reflect on life and "your" part in it.

February 24, 2013Astrologyby Eva Starr

Stop everything you’re doing & write your New Moon Abundance Check. This is a powerful New Moon for new beginnings, new projects, new relationships, as it is the first New Moon after the Spring Equinox, the Aries New Moon. Click here for details New Moon Abundance Check. Time for the New Moon is 7:37am PDT...

No I said “Thursday at Two…Not Tuesday at Noon. Does that sound familiar? Well, the good news is: you’re not alone it doesn’t have to be that painful I’m going to do my best to get you through this Mercury Retrograde with just a few bruises, well maybe a scrape or two Let’s get the...

You can do this releasing ritual with any Full Moon, this particular one happens to be in Virgo which I will point out the specifics. The Full Moon in Virgo occurs at 4:39am  EST and 1:39am PST pn Thursday March 8th. There happens to be a grand earth trine ocrring at the same time, Mars...

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