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With the arrival of the Fall Equinox, signifying the arrival of the Sun’s entrance into Libra, Pluto finally making it’s direct motion from it’s former Retrograde position, and the New Moon in Libra tonight at 11:14 pm PDT and 2:14 am EDT that’s a handful. Let’s talk about Pluto, ruler of the Underworld, obsessions and...

September 23, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

What’s in a name? Apparently plenty, celebrities change their names all the time to  further their career. If they can do it, why not you? I’m not saying you need to change your name at this stage of your life, but would you like to know where your destiny leads you? Wouldn’t it be cool...

September 16, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

Astrology Made Easy   Do you wish you could understand all that astrological jargon on the Internet? If you’re a novice or you only know bits & pieces, this class is for you. An in-depth, step-by step simplified study of Astrology. Learn how to read your own chart & others, understand the elements, the houses...

September 11, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

Hold on to your hats…here comes Mercury Retrograde. I have a new spin on this particular Retrograde because it starts out in my own sign of Cancer, then retrogrades back into Gemini on June 17th continuing on until July 1st when it comes to an end. The official start time of the retrograde is June...

For those of you who got to see the last Lunar Eclipse it was quite an awesome show of the Universe. Unfortunately the upcoming Solar Eclipse will only be visible in the south Indian Ocean, Australia, and the Antarctic, sorry next time. The good news is you can still utilize the energies of this Taurean...

April 28, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

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