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For those of you who got to see the last Lunar Eclipse it was quite an awesome show of the Universe. Unfortunately the upcoming Solar Eclipse will only be visible in the south Indian Ocean, Australia, and the Antarctic, sorry next time. The good news is you can still utilize the energies of this Taurean...

April 28, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

I came across a book the other day by Doreen Virtue Angel Astrology 101 and I thought WOW a book about Angels AND Astrology; I think I’ve hit the jackpot. Since I’ve been surrounded by angels my whole life as well as studying astrology since I was a child. Actually, I was one of those...

With the most recent New Moon in Aries Sunday, March 30th, we want to take full advantage of this Aries New Moon. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, not Capricorn, like some people think. It is the sign of Aries that starts Spring, representing the planting of new seeds, (thoughts), initiating new projects,...

Thank God and the Heavens Mercury is about to go Direct on Friday, Feb. 28th at 9:00am EST. I don’t know about you, but for myself, and a host of my friends this Retrograde was a rough one. However, as the saying goes “What Doesn’t Kill You, Will Make You Stronger.” Let’s move on to...

February 27, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

It’s that time again, and I have a feeling we won’t forget this one…it’s already started (although officially it starts tomorrow Thursday, February 6th 4:43 EST). If you’re like me you’ve already started feeling the effects of Mercury Retrograde a few days ago. Let me give you a quick explanation of Mercury Retrograde to those...

February 5, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

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