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Hello Everyone: A few details I’d like to mention before I get into the Planetary Basket of Surprises that’s headed our way. I’m going to be changing the name of my Blog from to (as soon as I figure out how to do that). I’d also like for you to leave comments in...

January 19, 2015Astrologyby Eva Starr

Today (Sunday) as I’m writing this, is the longest night of the year…the days will start getting longer from hence forward. What does this New Moon Winter Solstice mean to you? The first item on the agenda is the New Moon in Capricorn, coinciding with the Winter Solstice, we are buried deep in the darkness...

December 21, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

With today’s energies of the full moon, Taurus, sensuality, comfort, & practicality, come to the forefront. This moon ruled by Venus the Love Goddess, and Taurus the Bull seeks security, and pleasure opposing  the Sun in Scorpio, sexuality, (different than the Bull’s sensuality), with the Scorpion’s stinger hidden so deep inside you it’s hiding from...

November 6, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

  The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is upon us happening Thursday October 23rd, at   0 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio at 5:57pm EDT and 2:57pm PDT respectively. The effects of this mysterious event can last up to six months after the actual day of the eclipse. We will be dealing with matters...

October 23, 2014Astrologyby Eva Starr

I feel it’s time to revisit this topic, manifestation. When The Secret came out back in 2006 there was a whirlwind of hoopla over it, some positive some not so positive. One thing I feel The Secret understated, was negative thoughts and beliefs need to be weeded out just like in a garden before you...

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