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It’s that time again; hold on to your hats. Fear not, you have before you your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide: What Is Mercury Retrograde? Mercury is the planet closet to the Sun, it’s orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. Three to four times a year Mercury speeds past Earth, shaking up everything in it’s path,...

Yesterday Aug 11th Jupiter, affectionately known as the “Santa Claus of the Zodiac” moved into Virgo, where it will stay for one year. Jupiter deals with expansiveness, the big picture, while Virgo handles the details. The energy although opposite will blend together nicely if you can learn to balance the two. Here’s a look at...

(CNN)If anything unusual happens to you Friday, you’ll be right to say it was “once in a blue moon.” The July 31 appearance of the month’s second full moon will be the first such occurrence in the Americas since August 2012. Every month has a full moon, but because the lunar cycle and the calendar...

I just finished reading yet another book 29 Gifts by Cami Walker. This one I actually finished in two days (not like the normal pattern of mine, reading 5-6 books at a time & eventually coming back to them, but maybe weeks, months or years later). I had a vested interest in finishing this one....

The Full Snow Moon (Native American) at 14* Leo will culminate February 3, 2015 3:09pm PST/ 6:09pm EST (Farmers Almanac). With this full moon in Leo, we want to ask ourselves where do we shine? The Lion is all about the limelight, but remember the Aquarian sun is all about humanity, so compromise needs to be thrown into the mix. Tonight’s full moon...

February 3, 2015Astrologyby Eva Starr

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