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UNDERSTANDING & WORKING WITH CRYSTALS WORKSHOP Crystals have been used by ancient cultures dating back thousands of years. Learn how to work with crystal energy, understand the different healing properties of gemstones, and how crystals aid in healing your pets. Learn techniques for dreaming and manifesting with crystals, along with cleansing your crystals. Crystals and...

I don’t have time to write my usual blog; however I don’t want to leave you hanging! So here’s three links for you to peruse through: As always thank you for your support! Now I’m going to go enjoy the eclipse…

It’s that time again…Mercury Retrograde Saturday August 12th 9:00pm (EDT) – September 5th 7:29am (EDT) at 12* Virgo, then backwards into Leo  “Consider the next 3 weeks as a review of how we’ve had to make things work more efficiently than we did in the past, which necessitated letting go of things blocking our progress…”...

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