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What is a Solar Return? An astrological chart calculated at the exact moment the Sun RETURNS to the same degrees and minutes as on the day of your birth It runs from birthday to birthday, however, is usually activated as much as three months prior Acts like a Reader’s Digest version of your life chart,...
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I am rebuilding my website, it’s a slow arduous process, bear with me while I go through the growing pains. I promise you, when it’s all done it will be a joy for both you and me. Thank you for staying with me through this process! Here are the STARR SCOPES by Eva Starr...
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MOON SQUARE URANUS: WARNING: This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse may cause side effects resulting in rapid mood swings and a strong feeling to rebel against anyone or anything trying to restrict your need for freedom!
This may lead to sudden changes in your relationships resulting in new encounters of a third kind.
Be extra patient with friends and family at all costs, and beware of erratic behavior and/or unforeseen outbursts.
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News of the day, Mercury goes direct at 4:22pmEST/1:22pmPST at 27* Scorpio. Hold your horses, you’re not out of the woods yet! I wouldn’t rush out and sign any contracts or purchase anything major, just yet. Mercury has a shadow period, wait till the dust settles. Give it a day or so, and if you’re...
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I warned everyone when Mercury was going Retrograde (Nov. 16-Dec. 6), to get your Christmas shopping done BEFORE or AFTER the Retrograde. However, my Zodiac Gift Buying Guide will help you finish up your last minute shopping… Are you one of these people who: have a list a mile long of people to buy for...
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Yes, it’s that time again, Mercury Retrograde will embark its haywire antics starting November 16th 8:33pm EST/5:33pm PST at 13° Sagittarius and ends on December 6 at 27° Scorpio. It’s also hitching its wagon to a square with Neptune. Not only will you get lost but throw some dazed and confused into the mix along with...
WOW, there’s a lot going on…and I’VE got a lot going on! I’m going to make this sweet & simple & skip all the degrees and exact times of all these Astrological happenings: We just ended 13 months of Jupiter in Scorpio: the #METOO movement sexual harassments etc. abuse of power & control We are...
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This coming Wednesday October 24th at 12:45pm EDT the Moon at 1*Taurus will be opposing the Sun in Scorpio, aligned with Uranus opposing Venus and trining Saturn. What does all that mean for you? I’m about to spell it out for you! Changes in Love & Money…however the Saturn energy will work with you to...
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First, I want to extend my heart-felt thanks to all who supported me in receiving a reading yesterday at the Psychic Fair. I am blessed by all of you… Now, for the matters at hand; I am going to spell it out to you in simple terms: October 5th Venus Retrograde 10* Scorpio, (Venus is...
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We just had a new moon in Virgo, earth energy, a time for planting those seeds and watching them grow. Virgo helps us gain clarity, which then enables us to organize those thoughts, then prioritize the aforementioned and get to work. Virgo is like the “filing cabinet” of the Universe. This is the first new...