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I’ve been doing a whole healing detox for the last couple days, to reset my metabolism and cleanse my body of toxins, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Interesting thing, I noticed this morning that Pluto is hitting my Sun in my astrological chart indicating the need to release anything and everything in my life that...
I love doing Solar Return charts more than any chart I do. In fact, I’ve saved all of mine for the last 20+ years! I was just looking at mine from 1995, and 1998 comparing some planetary similarities. This is what a Solar Return can tell you: Your Ascendant (Rising sign) changes with each Solar...
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New Moon In Pisces/New Moon Abundance Check I am still under the weather but feel compelled to get this blog out to my readers. I will paraphrase (in blue) from some resources and give credit, for I need my rest, (Dr.’s Orders!) The March 6 new moon at 15°47′ Pisces joins Neptune and asteroid Vesta...
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Mercury Retrograde Hits the Water Signs this Year Mercury Retrograde starts Tuesday morning, March 5th, at 29* Pisces at 1:19pm/EST & 10:19am/PST and will go direct at 16* Pisces on March 28th at 9:59am/EDT & 6:59am/PDT. The changes that occurred back in the days of 1940 bring us to a time when we are looking...
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This will be short & sweet, I’m on my way to work soon. This morning at 10:54am EST/7:54am PST we have a Full Moon at 0* Virgo opposing the Piscean Sun. I’m going to make it simple for you what to expect & how to work with these energies: Mercury & Neptune are in Pisces,...
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Welcome Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year! It is celebrated on the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar, i.e. the day of the second new moon after the day on which the winter solstice occurs. If you think about it, everything in our world has something to...
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What is a Solar Return? An astrological chart calculated at the exact moment the Sun RETURNS to the same degrees and minutes as on the day of your birth It runs from birthday to birthday, however, is usually activated as much as three months prior Acts like a Reader’s Digest version of your life chart,...
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I am rebuilding my website, it’s a slow arduous process, bear with me while I go through the growing pains. I promise you, when it’s all done it will be a joy for both you and me. Thank you for staying with me through this process! Here are the STARR SCOPES by Eva Starr...
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MOON SQUARE URANUS: WARNING: This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse may cause side effects resulting in rapid mood swings and a strong feeling to rebel against anyone or anything trying to restrict your need for freedom!
This may lead to sudden changes in your relationships resulting in new encounters of a third kind.
Be extra patient with friends and family at all costs, and beware of erratic behavior and/or unforeseen outbursts.
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News of the day, Mercury goes direct at 4:22pmEST/1:22pmPST at 27* Scorpio. Hold your horses, you’re not out of the woods yet! I wouldn’t rush out and sign any contracts or purchase anything major, just yet. Mercury has a shadow period, wait till the dust settles. Give it a day or so, and if you’re...