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Yep, if the Retrograde isn’t enough of an ordeal, on Halloween and in Scorpio to boot! Mercury retrograde 2019 begins on October 31, at 27° Scorpio at 11:41am/EDT, and ends on November 20, 11° Scorpio at 2:12pm/EDT . Here’s what you can expect from THIS particular Halloween Scorpio Retrograde: it’s making a favorable aspect to...
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If you’re a Sag, Cap, or Aquarian, and have a unique or interesting job/passion please contact me for my next upcoming Reach for the Moon TV shows, I am scheduling now. The show is very laid back & casual, you could become a virtual star overnight. Here is a link to past shows...
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Today’s Full Moon is occurring in Aries opposing the Libra Sun at 20* at 5:08pm/EDT & 2:08pm/PDT. This is a time to look at your relationships and your role in them. Today’s Full Moon is also bringing to the party a square to Pluto (undercover agent) and a nice trine to Jupiter (bearer of gifts)....
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Today’s New Moon occurring at 6* Libra, 2:26pm/EDT & 11:26am/PDT is all about relationships. These are some of the questions you want to ask yourself: how can I improve my relations with others? is my life balanced? if not what can I do to bring more balance into my life? does my social network need...
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This is one of the best New Moons we’ve seen for a while. A note to the wise, finish “old” business first. Tomorrow’s New Moon occurs at 6:37am/EDT & 3:37am/PDT at 6* Virgo 47′. This New Moon is conjunct Mars, closely aligned with Venus & Mercury, while forming a very nice Earth trine with Uranus....
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Don’t jump for joy too quick! Yes, there is a new moon 8* Leo, happening at 11:12pm/EDT 8:12pm/PDT and Mercury is going Direct, at 11:58pm/EDT (just before Midnight) and 8:58pm/PDT. the new moon is conjunct Venus, which is a good thing. However, it is also square Uranus, the change-maker, out of nowhere tornado planet. Let’s...
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I’m going to be brief because this Mercury Retrograde is KICKING MY ASS! I’ve had more computer issues, and communication issues than the Heavens have Stars. The Native Americans named this Thunder Moon or Buck Moon, for more info Native Amercian meanings for Moon names. This full moon, also a partial eclipse, is happening tonight...
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This Retrograde is a bit more complicated than most, which I will explain before leaving you with my Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide. Before I give you exact dates, know that there is a shadow period before and after anywhere from seventeen days before to up to fifteen days after. Whew, no you are NOT crazy,...
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Tuesday at 3:16pm/EDT 12:16pm/PDT we are experiencing a total eclipse of the Sun at 10* Cancer (my sign). Positive aspects beaming down form the Heavens make this a fun, good time type of eclipse with friends and family. Through patience, putting your nose to the grindstone and remaining open-minded your dreams & wishes can come...
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June 17, Monday at 4:31am/EDT 1:31am/PDT at 26* Sagittarius if the Full Strawberry Moon opposing the Gemini Sun. Using the energies of the Moon, whether waxing (New Moon) waning (Full Moon) or any other variation of the moon’s phases and planets, just makes sense. The Solar System has been around for 4.571 billion years! That’s...