Thank God and the Heavens Mercury is about to go Direct on Friday, Feb. 28th at 9:00am EST. I don’t know about you, but for myself, and a host of my friends this Retrograde was a rough one. However, as the saying goes “What Doesn’t Kill You, Will Make You Stronger.”
Let’s move on to the New Moon in Pisces, March 1st at Midnight PST, and 3:00am EST in Pisces at ten degrees.

There are three events happening here simultaneously, Mercury moving Direct, the Piscean New Moon, and Mars will be going Retrograde in Libra until May 19th. What does this all mean to you and me?
Let’s look at Mercury moving Direct; Mercury Retrograded in Pisces, back-tracked into Aquarius, dipped her cask into the spiritual waters then poured those blessings into humanity to nurture us. Think about it, Mercury is all about technology, and we are a nation forgetting how to communicate, too much texting not enough one-on-one conversations.
With the upcoming Mars Retrograde in Libra, this will force us to look at our relationships on a whole, and how we deal with relating to people. The Libran influence will encourage us to look at the balance between our relationships and within the context of relationships themselves. More importantly, for the next few months, we need to reassess our relationship with self, that my dear friend is the crux of the Retrograde (Mars in Libra). Maybe, it’s time to pull out that mirror from your Louise Hay classes and start doing the mirror work. “I love and accept myself exactly as I am.”
Last but not least that lovely Piscean New Moon that is forthcoming, Pisces ruled by the Planet Neptune is all about illusion, confusion, escapism…nothing against all my Piscean friends, (if you’ve taken my Astrology classes you know I love the Piscean People). With that being said, nevertheless there will be a lot of day-dreaming going on.
This is a time to study your dreams, tap into that surrealistic creative side, extra sleep is called for. Some of my Piscean friends have no problem is this area, they can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, (I’m envious). Look to your chart to see what house the New Moon in Pisces falls, if you don’t know contact your astrologer, [email protected] and use all this heavenly influence to touch your soul.
Remember, with the confusion associated with Pisces, when you do your New Moon wish list, be CRYSTAL CLEAR, Jesus didn’t say “make me guess.” Here’s a few links for you:
I’ve had several inquiries about “where is my tip jar?”, until I figure out how to add it to my Blog, just go to the link above , and you’ll see the Starr Scopes horoscopes with a donate button under it. A huge thank you to all of you for your continued generous support.
With Love & Gratitude,
Eva Starr