At the end of the day you’re left with YOU! That’s right, like it or not, you are what you’ve got, and if you can’t count on you, then who can you count on? I’ve come to the eye-opening awareness that in times of crises, or whatever it is you’re going through, those rose-colored glasses fall off, and you see clearly maybe for the first time in your life. Everyone else is seeing the world through their own set of lenses, and they don’t necessarily understand the lenses you’re seeing the world through, or they may not care. People are not inside of your head or your heart, so when you reach out and there’s nobody there, you turn within because you’re all you’ve got!
Sure there are times in our lives when friends and family are there to support us, and there are times in our lives when they are not. Look at it this way, the boy/girl scout motto is “BE PREPARED”! It’s interesting to me that in this time of women’s rights, and male preeminence these two organizations come together in their motto’s.
Everything in our lives relates back to the relationship we have with ourselves, even our finances. Oh yea baby, everything! I came across an article online the other day about our relationship with money and how it equates with our relationship with ourselves, and our relationships we had as children growing up.
According to Joan Sotkin in Build Your Money Muscle, money is associated with our connections to people, since money comes to us through people, (i.e. jobs, child support, inheritance, services people pay for). She suggests we take a look at our relationships and our connectedness with people. Abandonment issues is a common one for most, abandonment stemming from childhood, parents or others, and most importantly abandonment issues with ourselves. OUCH! Did that hurt?
Whatever is going on in your life whether it’s issues with money, relationships or health it all comes back to YOU and YOU alone! Maybe it’s time to dust the cobwebs off those mirrors of ours and start doing the Louise Hay mirror work again. Remember, look into those eyes of yours (the windows of the soul) and tell yourself “I Love and Accept Myself Exactly as I AM.” If you need a reminder here’s a video
I did about 5-6 years ago on the mirror work.
Now for a friendly reminder of the Zodiac Flavors of the Month for a discounted Solar Return chart. A Solar Return chart is an in-depth look at your birthday year, (about 15 months). Laying out the planetary map for you, letting you know what’s going on in what areas of your life (career, relationships, health, vacations) and how to best utilize those influences.
The Zodiac Flavors currently up to bat are Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces…also Aries is coming up soon! Email me [email protected] with your birth info to receive your discount.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity 🙂
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