Are You Ready to Shed Your Shell

March 5, 2012by Eva Starr0
Are You Ready to Shed Your Shell?  

Do you feel like you’re in a rut? Or do you just feel like if you could only dig deep inside your Soul you’re sure to find the missing link? Well, I’ve got news for you, you don’t have to go any farther than right where you are! That’s right it’s been right in front of your nose the whole time. Why can’t you find it you ask? Because you’ve spent too much time looking outside of yourself, kind of like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.


The good news is: Hermit Crab

  • you don’t need a tornado to get you off the farm in search of the Yellow Brick Road
  • you can start right now TODAY
  • it’s OK if you’ve messed up until now, you’re right where you’re supposed to be
  • and don’t worry if you don’t have the cash, it doesn’t cost you anything but time

I’m talking about shedding your shell, it’s time to empty that cup and make room for something else to fill it other than blame, guilt, and self pity. I’m not picking on you, I’m just making you think,that’s all. If you’re ready the wind just might blow some gold dust in the air; are you ready for it?

Are You Game?   Join me for the next 21 days in letting go of the past, shedding your shell, embracing your dark side, and discovering your Soul’s true purpose.   I just started doing the Debbie Ford 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse this past week. Debbie Ford There’s GOLD in you, just like the story about the Golden Buddha that the Thai monks covered in clay to protect it from the Burmese Army. All the monks were killed but the Buddha was discovered several centuries later at a Thai Monastery. A monk who was helping to relocate the Buddha in 1957 discovered a crack in the clay and started to chip away at it and found solid gold. You my friend are like the Buddha there’s Gold inside of you, just waiting to be discovered.    Follow me on my blog starronthefly Register, click on a category (the orange link, next to the title of the blog) to comment. When you see this icon  on your tool bar click on it you’ll be directed to my RSS feed, then click to subscribe to feed, and let’s do this together. I will be there with you to support and encourage you. Till

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