Soul Food-New Moon in Pisces/Tinkerbell
Last night’s New Moon occurred at 7:45/EST and 4:45/PST at 9° Pisces. This New Moon brings with it a mixed bag of tricks. Pisces, known as the spiritual sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by Neptune, characterized by the Two Fishes swimming in opposite directions, and governed by Jupiter Ancient Astrology, known as the Ancient Benefic, the Heavenly King. This reminds us that if we keep things in moderation and don’t succumb to carrying a good thing too far, we will reap the rewards of the Kingdom. Tinkerbell is waiting to grant your wish.
Every 28 days, a New Moon phase begins, allowing us to start anew, start fresh, let the mistakes of the past 28 days be behind us, and move forward. It is a fresh new light shining upon the day. This New Moon in the sign of Pisces, also ruling the 12th house in the horoscope, gives us an opportunity for reflection. As we ponder, we see the habits, belief systems, and behaviors that no longer serve who we are. As we enter a period of solitude, it grants us time to question those things we want to leave behind and what changes the Soul beckons us to explore.
In the last week or so, I have contemplated quite a few changes in my life. Some things are just the hand I was dealt with, and not too much can be altered. However, other things are in my hands, and I’ve been given the choice to hold them or fold them. One thing I decided to do, which I implemented a couple of days ago, was to take a break from social media entirely. Not to worry, I’m not going entirely into The Cave to never come out again. I will still keep up my blog and my website. Through my blog, some readers and viewers can keep abreast of what’s going on in the astrological/metaphysical world.
The New Moon in Pisces always appears right around the time of Lent. I’m sure this is not a coincidence. However, for those of you who have been following me for a couple of decades, you’re well aware that I don’t believe in coincidences. I think there are some things in this Universe that the Universe has a hand in synchronicity; it’s not something we control.
So ask yourself, as we head into the next 28-day cycle of this New Moon in Pisces, what you’re contemplating. What are you wasting too much time on and not enough time on your true Soul’s desire? Are you one of the lucky ones who has nothing to give up and nothing to pursue? The New Moon of Pisces, aligned with Lent and the last sign of the Zodiac, appears before the Spring Equinox and the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries. Aries is the leader, the first sign, the frontier, making way for a new land, horizon, beginning, and path for others to follow.
There are a few glitches in this New Moon, which I touched on in the beginning. Jupiter is known for its expansiveness, often overdoing things grandiose and exaggeratedly. Remember everything in moderation, and let’s not throw discipline out the back window. This New Moon is squaring Jupiter, a harsh aspect that may cause one to feel inadequate or not good enough, especially if you’re prone to following TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook. Studies have shown that people who spend too much time on social media are often depressed, feeling that they can’t keep up with everyone else’s persona on social media.
Try not to fall into that trap. It reminds me of Terry Cole Whittaker’s book from decades ago, What You Think of Me is None of My Business. People get too caught up in social media and what everybody else is doing. Trust me, folks, it’s not as glamorous as it looks. The more money, prestige, and social media presence you have, the more vulnerable you are to the haters. Sad but true.
With this Jupiter square, beware of thinking you can cure all the world’s problems in one day. You are NOT Superman, Spider-Man, Captain America, or Batman. Don’t overestimate your abilities or your bank account. Jupiter is prone to excess. If you’re a gambler, take a hint from Kenny Rogers (as I mentioned earlier) and know when to fold ’em and when to hold ’em, or you might be walking home after a late night barefoot and penniless.
The same goes for your projects: Eat the Big Frog First and tackle one project at a time. With the spiritual Moon in Pisces, generosity is a theme. Volunteer or donate to a charity or a friend in need. The opportunity to make positive changes presents itself. The winds are ushering in fresh air; the essence of giving and receiving is coming in on the winds of change. Venus is making a sextile (a pleasant aspect) to Jupiter, which is lending its graces to usher in good fortune.
Let’s not forget love and affection. After all, Venus is the planet of beauty, romance, and pleasure. The two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, sprinkle their fairy dust on many opportunities. Besides the typical things attributed to Venus, such as beauty, love, and romance, we have Jupiter in the mix. Jupiter rules spirituality, long-distance travel, vacations, higher education, and legal matters. So make an appointment with your banker, book a weekend getaway, and if you haven’t talked to your lawyer in a while, I’d check in and ensure everything’s OK. Maybe enroll in a higher education course.
Come out of your comfort zone this weekend and do something that scares the bejeebers out of you. Venus does rule socializing. Who knows, you may find out you’re more charming than you thought. Get out and about. What do you have to lose?
This is the last New Moon of the current Eclipse phase, which ends with the March 14th Lunar Eclipse. I hope you kept a journal of what happened during the 2024 eclipses. Please return to the September 2024 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, which brought sensitivity, intuition, criticism, and communication problems as it opposed Virgo. The October 2024 Solar Eclipse in Libra, opposing Aries, brought significant new information in revelations and marked the finality and climax of the crisis.
Stay tuned for my next blog in March, when Venus and Mercury will both be going Retrograde in Aries, and there will be a few other surprises.
Remember to do your New Moon Abundance Check.
The new March Starr Scopes will be out tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
What does this New Moon mean for your Zodiac sign?
I send love & blessings,
Eva & Rosie