Soul Food~29 Gifts

March 31, 2015by Eva Starr0

I just finished reading yet another book 29 Gifts by Cami Walker. This one I actually finished in two days (not like the normal pattern of mine, reading 5-6 books at a time & eventually coming back to them, but maybe weeks, months or years later). I had a vested interest in finishing this one. My Dad who’s going to be 82 on April 3rd, and has had three heart attacks in the last year, and a quadruple bypass; also was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I was a child.

The book is about a young woman who was diagnosed with MS one month after her wedding day, and the challenges and gifts that came along with it. She was friends with an African-American medicine woman who shared with her a ritual of giving away a gift each day for 29 days. (they can be anything from a smile to a helping hand, etc.) So I wanted to share this story and this book with my Dad for his 82nd birthday.

Cami Walker & the 29 Gifts:

I’ve already starting my 29 day giving, but I’m going to officially start again with all of you today on April 1st. Here is a link to the website 29 Gifts, feel free to join and share.

I’d also like to share with you a special “Thank God Spring Is Here” astrology deal:

  • so you can “know” when you’re lucky days are, play the lotto
  • so you can plan in advance when you’re going to “get lucky”
  • so you know exactly which days are best to “ask for that raise”

Here is a sample of my astrological graph for the month of April, Starr_Apr_2015 (click here)

…and this one’s Richard Gere’s (he’s a Virgo):Richard Gere's Astro Forecast

Here’s the Springtime Deals on the Astro Graphs:

  • $10 per month
  • 3 months -$25 (save $5)
  • 1 year – $50 (save $60) ***STARR SAVINGS SPECIAL
  • Just click on the Angel’s Wings above and send me your birth data

As Always Thank You for Your Support & Generosity,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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