Soul Food-June Starr Scopes/Lessons in Life I Learned thru this Mercury Retrograde

June 3, 2022by Eva Starr0
Ziggy Starrdust Gets a Suntan
meditate cat
emerging from a mercury retrograde

June Starr Scopes/Lessons in Life I Learned thru this Mercury Retrograde

My apologies for the 3-day delay on my June Starr Scopes; Mercury Retrograde got in the way. I was getting prepared to send everything out on June 1st when Mother Nature stepped in. I took a quick break to trim a large overgrown bush in the backyard before the rain came. After finishing the pruning just in time, I hurried back into the house. I heard the loudest boom, crash, and roar out of nowhere since Clovis the Tiger (the littlest Tiger who had the loudest roar in the world). For the record, Mercury did go direct this morning at 1:00 am/PDT & 4:00am/EDT this morning. 

Ziggy Starrdust was so scared he jumped off the couch and ran into the bathroom. After twenty minutes, the rain stopped, and I sat back down at my computer. Two days, eight Cox phone support people, and two separate trips to Best Buy (one to buy a new modem and the second one to return the new modem and buy a new modem/router combo) later, I finished writing the column at Midnight Thursday. I also learned WHAT caused my Internet to go down was a lightning strike, 

How many customer support people does it take to find out why your Internet quit working all of a sudden? EIGHT! 

What I learned about Life through this Mercury Retrograde experience: 

  • I followed all the DON’Ts that I write about in my Mercury Survival Guide, but I DIDN’T follow all of the DOs 
  • I learned a lot about myself: 
  • days that I missed my meditation seem to go awry (the day everything hit the fan, I missed my meditation) 
  • I fell away from my rule of thumb, if it isn’t working, walk away and do something else 
  • I usually do more of the RE-part of the Retrograde (re-organize, revisit, etc.) I didn’t do as much of that as I would’ve liked 
  • the days I start my mornings at 6:30 am & start my day with a list of things I’ve got on my “TO DONE” list goes much better 

Ziggy Starrdust would LOVE to hear your meditation routine or what you do when you’re feeling frustrated? 




Please check out YOUR Zodiac sign for the June Starr Scopes

I even wrote a special addition to where to vacation for each Zodiac sign





Ziggy Starrdust


Eva Starr &

Ziggy Starrdust

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