Soul Food~New Moon/Mercury Retrograde

January 19, 2015by Eva Starr1

Hello Everyone:

A few details I’d like to mention before I get into the Planetary Basket of Surprises that’s headed our way. I’m going to be changing the name of my Blog from to (as soon as I figure out how to do that). I’d also like for you to leave comments in the comment box, and let me know if you’re able to and if not what is the error message. I’m going to be adding sharing buttons to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Google+ (again when I figure out how to do this). I’m also going to be adding contest & surveys (again when I figure out how). Thanks for all of your help in this!

New Moon in Aquarius
New Moon in Aquarius

Now first matter at hand, the New Moon is approaching 8:14am EST/5:14am PST here are your links to the New Moon Abundance Check and your very own Mary Ann/Abundance Check (the Ghost-buster lady). This new moon in Aquarius represents the humanitarian side of us, letting go of the Ego, (the opposite of Leo). It’s time to think big, (as in collective consciousness), think innovation, inventiveness, humor, revelations, seeing the future, friends & organizations.

Aquarius also represents FREEDOM, take a look at your life and ask yourself where are you constrained inside a box, imprisoned, whether it’s self-imposed or else-wise. I suggest you make a ritual out of this upcoming Aquarian New Moon. Get a candle, BLUE is the color for Aquarius, make out your new moon wish list (no more than 10). Set aside some time, light the candle, do your wish list & meditate on your wishes for manifestation (at the time of the New Moon) really put some feeling into it.

Write out your wishes in present tense, dealing with areas such as:

  • understanding how things work
  • long-range goals
  • following your heart’s desire
  • operating from a broader perspective
  • Astrology, the Tarot, Numerology
  • networking, groups, organization
  • manifesting dreams

That ought to keep you busy. Good Luck I have faith in you, because YOU ROCK!

Now for that Trickster, Mercury Retrograde, it occurs Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 10:54am EST/7:54am PST in the sign of Aquarius. These are my suggestions:

Interestingly enough the next three Retrogrades for 2015 all happen in the AIR signs. Yes, that’s all you Aquarians, Geminis and Librans. What does that mean? It means it’s double-duty in ares of communication, electronics, and short trip travels, and plane, trains and automobiles. With this particular one in Aquarius, it’s time to RETHINK your long-term goals, 5-10-20 years down the road.

Where have you been, where are you now, and where are you headed? These are the questions to be asking yourself. This is all up for review during this Retrograde and it’s time to reassess, some of you may have already been feeling this energy. Start journaling, and if you don’t like to journal, then find some way to discuss, and digest what’s inside of that head of yours regarding the aforementioned issues. Sometimes life requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and do something we’ve never done before or something we’re not comfortable with. How else are you going to grow?

Like-Minded Beings
Like-Minded Beings

On the flip side of the coin, old friends may reappear out of the dust, and help you with your vision. This is also a time for reflection on the greater whole and where do we fit into the Divine Plan of our world. If you feel like you’re out of sorts with who you’re connected with, it may be time to find some new friends who align with your vibratory frequency.

Remember Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, where things come in like a tornado, out of the blue, with unexpected twists and turns. Buckle that seat belt because you’re about ready to ride the Twister. It’s time to think outside of the box, (that comfort zone I was referring to). Also, if you’re a Cancer like myself and you have trouble with emotions and attachments, Aquarius is the perfect sign for detachment, (they stay engaged for 12 years or more).

Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde

This is an excellent time to finish what you started in the last few months, revisit, re-view, re-evaluate, and re-think. That’s right re-think “what were you thinking?” I would be extremely careful with computer related issues, don’t try to rebuild a computer for the first time in your life during this Retrograde. Unfortunately, I have a lot of projects in the works this next month or so that all require a lot of time working with and on the computer and software, but I have been warned.

This is nature’s way of giving you time to slow down (Mercury Retrograde), so heed it’s advice. Take time out to re-flect, re-lax, re-cuperate and  pay particular attention to miscommunications. Beware of the open mouth insert foot syndrome. “Speak when you’re angry – and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” ~ Laurence J. Peter

Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde

Re-check your appointment calendar so you don’t show up at the wrong coffee shop on the wrong day. Hold off getting any car repairs until the Retrograde is over, (after February 11th) and back up your computers, and for God’s sake keep an eye on your cell phone, (for those of you who know, it’s maddening to lose your cell phone).

Here’s a list of crystals to get you through, and if you know a good astrologer (hint) find out what house this Retrograde is transiting through to give you a heads up on what area of your life will be affected.

Crystals associated with Aquarius: amber, amethyst, angelite, aquamarine, celestite, chrysoprase, fluorite, labrodorite, moss agate, rainbow moonstone, rainforest jasper, & sugilite

Mercury Retrograde and Your Sun Sign

Each sun sign has its own unique contribution and interaction with the Mercury Retrograde Cycle. Here are the details for each Sun Sign: (You’ve got to scroll all the way down to get to the “Retrograde” part).
Aries sun signAries    Taurus sun signTaurus    Gemini sun signGemini    Cancer sun signCancer   Leo sun signLeo    Virgo sun signVirgo    Libra sun signLibra
Scorpio sun signScorpio    Sagittarius sun signSagittarius     Capricorn sun signCapricorn    Aquarius sun signAquarius    Pisces sun signPisces

If all else fails, a glass of red wine is the key for me, (after all it does begin with re). You can make it through this, I know you can.

PS It’s still not too late to get your Solar Return and/or your numerology reports, just contact me.

I love you and thank you for your continued generosity and support.

Eva Starr
Eva Starr



One comment

  • MK

    January 19, 2015 at 7:06 pm

    OK…MK in Colorado here.
    Testing, Testing.
    I had to “log on”, with my user name and password, which I dug up and seem to have completed sucessfullt.
    Let’s see if this gets through to you?!


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