Soul Food-Leo Full Moon/Intensity & Romance

February 16, 2022by Eva Starr0
full moon leo_
leo _ strength

Soul Food-Leo Full Moon/Intensity & Romance

The full moon occurs today February 16th at 8:56am/PST & 11:56am/EST at 28* Leo/Aquarius. An hour or so before Lady Venus meets up with Warrior Mars and forms a conjunction (a powerful aspect) bring out the Lion/Lioness in you and those animalistic energies want to roar with an intensity (a quincunx to Pluto) that awakens anything in you that was laying dormant in the sexual/romantic arena of your love life.

With the aforementioned quincunx to Pluto, those secrets you thought you’d buried deeper than the Challenger Deep of the Pacific Ocean just might be rising to the surface. If it was me, I’d probably want to share those hidden fears with a trusted friend or counselor before the volcano erupts.

Love is definitely in the air, with all that Venusian and Martian energy igniting fireworks around every corner. With the opposition of the Aquarian Sun and the Leo Moon, there may be the dichotomy of home (moon) and freedom (sun) needing to find a balance that satisfies both sides of the coin.

If you’re one of those who would prefer to play it safe and stay out of the battle of the sexes, and definitely don’t want a rematch of “the rumble in the jungle” 1974 fight between Muhammed Ali & George Foreman then I’d use that fireball of creative energy towards painting the bedroom or the kitchen instead.

This is a noteworthy time to release “what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming” on the spiritual path of your life. It’s also an exceptional time between now and the next New Moon on March 2nd, to start your Spring cleaning a little early. Purge Baby Purge! I know you have a closet or two that you haven’t opened in quite some time, metaphorically and physically. What are you waiting for?


Full Moon Ritual:

Candle Colors: Orange – Red – Yellow – Gold

Crystals: Pyrite – Amber – Moonstone – Golden Topaz

Oils: Frankincense – Cinnamon – Ginger

Teas: Citrus – Peppermint

Tarot: Strength

What this Full Moon Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Blessings & Gratitude,

Eva Starr NYE 2021


Eva Starr





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