Soul Food ~ Utilize the New Moon, & Making it Through Thanksgiving

November 23, 2014by Eva Starr0

Sag_new moonThis past New Moon which occurred in the wee hours of the morning Saturday the 22nd, is all about expansion, metaphysics, your highest self, this vast Universe that we live in and YOUR PART IN IT! More importantly “how you SEE yourself” in it.

Where do you see your bow and arrow pointed? The symbol for Sagittarius is the Archer, along with the Centaur (half-man half-horse). Ruled by Jupiter, the Santa Claus of the Zodiac, and also the expansion planet.

Align yourself with your “truth” (notice I said YOURS not someone else’s) and start acting on your visions that you’ve held close to your heart this past month. Be careful not to over indulge or let you eyes get bigger than your stomach, (and I’m talking in your metaphysical world here also).

The tendency with Jupiter is to think you can fly, that you’re invincible. Don’t get me wrong I DO want you to think “outside of the box”, expand your horizons, let your creative muse have a field day, while at the same time be wary of over-promising, or biting off more than you can chew.

Sagittarius is all about FREEDOM of truth, adventure, & spirit. Open yourself up to new beginnings (as with any new moon). If you don’t risk you can’t succeed. With risk comes failure, but with each failure, you are that much CLOSER to success! With Thanksgiving being thrown into the buffet of wisdom the Universe holds for us this week, remember GRATITUDE!

When counting your blessings, let us remember those blessings we take for granted, the Sun shining (sorry I live in Cali), or for my East Coast friends the freshness and awesome wonder of a newly fallen snow hanging on the tree branches like crystallized fairies dancing on the ice. The roof over your head, your pets, kids, food, health, friends, this column that empowers & inspires you, and God, (your higher power or whatever you chose to call it), and the list goes on and on and on.

I will be cooking for the homeless and the Veterans again this year for two days, Wednesday and Thursday, there’s so many people to feed we have to break it up over two days. I am grateful that I have a job, and I am grateful that I have YOU reading these words & understanding that I take the time to share hoping I may inspire or empower even one soul.

Remember YOU ARE A BAD-ASS (from the words of Jen Sincero) so stop making excuses and make way for the brilliant, magnificato ROCK STAR that you are! Here are some tips to help you take advantage of the New Moon energy and recognize your audacious self, not to mention How to Make it Through Thanksgiving:

  • Just START, starting something and at least DOING IT, is better than waiting till you get it “perfect”
  • the lame-ass not enough time excuse, ever notice if you have six months to do something it takes you six months, and if you have six days to do something it takes you six days? Enough said!
  • when you’re over-whelmed divide into segments, I did this with Shayna,{my youngest one} when she was growing up, she’d be so overwhelmed with cleaning her room (I did NOT clean it for her) that I’d make a list, one thing at a time, (i.e. clothes, books, toys, shoes, etc.) I’d number everything and tell her just do this ONE thing (starting with #1, then call me when you’re done). Doing it that way on a dry-erase board she’d have that room done in 20 minutes or so. (I still do this in my life today)
  • Watch your mouth. STOP talking about how busy you are and enjoy the moments, spaces in between and focus on those instead.
  • Delegate, do you REALLY have to do it all yourself? Is there a tad of a control freak living inside that body of yours? You are taking the gift away from others who sincerely want to help you.
  • Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Did I make myself clear here? Make yourself a list the A-list, the B-list, and the C-list. The A-list must be done, the B-list would be good if I got to it, the C-list can definitely wait, (really who’s going to look at your baseboards to see if you scrubbed them with a toothbrush?) I think you get the picture here, you’re smart!
  • Finally relax, thinking that the world will collapse if you take some time for yourself is not only ridiculous but arrogant, the world WILL go on without you. (I know that’s a hard pill to swallow even for my type A “got to do it all” personality!)

I hope this has helped, again I thank YOU for taking the time to read my blog. If this has helped, inspired or empowered you in any way feel free to go to the angel wings at the top and donate so I may continue working with Spirit. I love you and wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving.

Eva Starr
Eva Starr



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