Full Moon Today in Taurus/Sun in Scorpio

November 6, 2014by Eva Starr0

fmtarurus11211With today’s energies of the full moon, Taurus, sensuality, comfort, & practicality, come to the forefront. This moon ruled by Venus the Love Goddess, and Taurus the Bull seeks security, and pleasure opposing  the Sun in Scorpio, sexuality, (different than the Bull’s sensuality), with the Scorpion’s stinger hidden so deep inside you it’s hiding from the inevitable transformation which will occur with tonight’s celestial event.

It’s time to shed the outer layer’s of your skin (Scorpio) and release what “no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming.” Take a look at what’s outdated in your life, (especially matters relating to the Taurean Bull and the Scorpion). How are you relating in your relationships when it comes to sensuality verses sexuality?

Take a look at your financial assets (Taurus) and your level of security, consider revamping how you handle your finances. On the flip side of the coin, maybe you need to balance those energies with giving more to others instead of hoarding that nest egg inside the bricks behind your fireplace.

The Phoenix is rising from the ashes (Scorpio) and wants to burn that excess baggage so it can “fly free” once again and free itself from the self-imposed bondage. This is the best time to do a ritual and a smudging, cleansing of the soul, releasing of out-dated belief systems, purging of unwanted garbage (and garbage it is).

The Full Moon occurs tonight at 5:23pm for my friends on the East Coast and 2:23pm for my West Coast friends. Buy a 7-day tall glass candle (shades of blue, green or turquoise), anoint with your favorite oils, check out this site on Zodiac aromatherapy oils.

I’m writing this as I’m trying to get ready for work, so For more on rituals with tonight’s full moon

For my Astrology students, look to your charts,this phase of the Moon occurs at 14 degrees and 26 minutes of Taurus opposite the Sun at 14 degrees and 26 minutes of Scorpio, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 12 to 16 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly.

Got to run, I love you all, and thanks for your continued support, Good Luck with tonight’s Full Moon…

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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