If You’re Ruminating Over Something Remember This…

July 28, 2014by Eva Starr0

If you’re ruminating over something remember this…LIFE KNOWS WHAT IT’S DOING!

We’ve all had those sleepless nights, those worry thoughts, the “imaginary” bogey-man that doesn’t exist, (representing any of our fear thoughts), the “I’m going to throw myself off a bridge” over some relationship, the endless waiting up all night worrying about our children, the people in our lives who can’t be trusted, and the list goes on.There ARE ways to deal with this.

First let me remind you, if you’re still breathing, then there’s still work to be done. You were put here in this classroom we call Planet Earth because you agreed to fulfill a certain mission. I know, some of you are already saying “No way in Hell did I agree to this bullshit.” Trust me, you DID, and I’ve been where you are!

When  I first heard we choose our parents, my first thought was “no one is going to convince me that I chose my biological mother to be my mother”! For those of you who didn’t go through the Louise Hay classes with me, my mother, (when I first filed for divorce) got my ex a lawyer and her and my four sisters showed up in court the first day on my ex’s side. That went on for years and totally blew me away.

The bottom-line is I DID choose my mother, so I could learn forgiveness in a BIG way, and teach the Louise Hay classes, which helped hundreds of people. I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I hadn’t had so many harsh lessons with my mother, my sisters, and my daughters.

So let me go back to LIFE DOES KNOW WHAT IT’S DOING!

OK, now that we’re clear on that, here’s some tips on dealing with all this senseless ruminating:

  1. Identify the thought or fear: This one I particularly like, so in other words, let’s say there are things going on at work & people are saying untrue things about you. If the fear is simply, you want people to like you, then toss that one right out of the worry basket and into the circular file because “What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business”, Teri-Cole-Whitaker. If on the other hand you’re worried about getting fired, then remember the Universe KNOWS what it’s doing and has a BETTER job/plan for you. Trust me on this one, I’ve been there.
  2. Think about the worst-case scenario: This one I’ve used many times in my classes/coaching. Take yourself all the way down the line, asking yourself the question, “what’s the WORST that could happen”, and keep going as long as it takes until you get to “nothing.” The key is to keep going until you get to NOTHING. I’ve had clients actually take it as far as then I’d be dead, then my kids would have no parents, then I’d lose the house, then I’d have to etc. etc. etc. Once they take this as far as they can go with it, they realize EVEN the WORST case scenario they can handle. This process takes all the air out of that heavy balloon. Try it!
  3. Let go of what you can’t control: In other words, in the words of Abraham (Ester Hicks) “Let Go of the Damn Oars” and let the canoe turn itself around and flow with the stream the way it was meant to, Or, we could go another route and use the words of Byron Katie, “There’s your business, there’s the other persons business, and there’s God’s business”, so if it isn’t YOUR business stay out of it!
  4. Look for the Pony:
    I'll Find That Pony!
    I’ll Find That Pony!

    I’ve told a story in my writings about two boys on a farm, playing in the barn where there’s a lot of hay and manure. The one boy leaves the barn and can’t stand the smell, the other boy is jumping up and down with joy & the Grandpa asks him why, the little boy responds “Underneath all this manure there’s got to be a pony in here somewhere”. So look for the LESSON, the rainbow, the opportunity, whatever you want to call it.

  5. Schedule a WORRY break: This one I’m not sure about, but the idea is to schedule a set time each day 20 minutes or so where you allow yourself to worry only for that allotted time. Like I said I’m not crazy about this one, but if it works for you then ok.
  6. Stay in the NOW: Get your eyes out of the rear-view mirror, and your mind out of the future. I like to use what Jack Canfield says for this one “Your car  headlights only shine 250 feet ahead, and then when you get that far they shine another 250 feet ahead.” That’s one of the best analogies I’ve ever heard for that one and I use it a lot in my teachings.
  7. Get out of Dodge: I don’t mean hop on a plane, I simply mean get up and go talk a walk, get outside & get some fresh air, get a change of scenery to help change your perspective.
  8. If all else fails, give me a call.

I hope what I’ve shared with you today has helped, I adlibbed quite a bit, but some of this I got from an article I read in San Diego Woman magazine by Laurenn Feiner, Psy.D

Now I have a favor to ask of you, please go to this link http://thejourneymag.com/ scroll down to read my article on Creation (how we are always creating every moment of every day) and please click on the LIKE thumbs up and/or comment on the page with the comment button. THANK YOU for your continued encouragement, love and support.


Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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