How to Adjust Your PMA

May 20, 2014by Eva Starr0

How’s your PMA been lately? (Positive Mental Attitude) If you’re like me you probably need a tune-up from time to time. Yes, we read all the books, listen to all the tapes and deep down we “know” how we could be responding to everything that’s thrown at us, but every once in awhile we need a reminder.PMA

Each Sunday I set goals for myself for the week, something that’s above and beyond my normal “to do” list that I need to get done. This past Sunday I told myself all this coming week I would approach everything and anything that came at me with a positive attitude. (Be careful what you ask for because the Universe loves giving you tests when you tell it you want to work on something.)

Yesterday I had some unexpected car issues to deal with, (a few hundred dollars to say the least), at first I cried, then a few moments of panic-stricken anxiety, then I meditated, got calm, and kept repeating the Louise Hay affirmation “All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good can  come. I am safe.” I just said it over and over and over, then meditated again until a peace came over me. I still didn’t know how I was going to come up with this much cash, but I was at peace, and that’s all I cared about.

It’s time’s like this that we must remember, anxiety, worry, or a feelings of desperation or need, will NOT get us to where we want to be. TRUST in God, the Universe, whatever you call your higher power and let the peace come over you.

On a day-to-day basis we can practice by changing how we speak, try these:

  • instead of saying “I’m broke” or “I don’t have the cash” try “It’s not in the stars at this time”, or “I am choosing another option or time.”
  • when someone asks you “How are you?” try simply saying “I am Divine!”
  • when you’re not feeling up to par; instead of saying “I am sick” or “I am tired.” Instead of using the words “I AM” next to something negative, you might try “I feel a little out of sorts but I envision being on top of the world in no time!”
  • when something happens that appears to be somewhat negative, try looking for the pony in the shit, in other words, I know there’s a blessing in here somewhere, and I’m going to find it.”
  • As we go through our days with all the stresses of life, try saying as many times throughour your day as possible, “I am so Blessed” or “I am so Grateful.”

Your PMA will be turned around in no time, and you’ll be singing and dancing all through your days and nights! Hope this helps!

New birthdays are coming up which means new Solar Returns, at 50% off. So, if you’re one of the three signs, Aries, Taurus & Gemini, hell I’ll throw Cancer in there too, I’m still working on my Solar Return, (being a Cancer). Just shoot me an email. The Solar Return’s are m most popular chart, it’s an in-depth 15 month look at your birthday year coming up

Here’s a great book Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        With Love, Blessings & Gratitude,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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